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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. I would've taken Clausen instead of Troup but one thing that's not mentioned often about Clausen is that he has small hands for an NFL QB so it's not like all the physical tools were there. We'll see if he can overcome those tiny mitts. Hopefully he fails so Bills fans don't regret that decision forever.
  2. Thanks for the info. Andy Dalton a bit high, no? Decent numbers, but when you watch TCU, he's more of a running than passing threat.
  3. Even if you think Brohm has potential, you don't want to see him start until about midseason because you want the offensive line to gel a little bit first (in the case of our o-line, "gelling" probably means going from awful to just bad). Otherwise, Brohm will get hurt or has no chance of success. Personally I don't have high hopes for Brohm so I don't care either way.
  4. For those reciting "only 8 carries" as an excuse, it's not like Spiller had 70 yards on those 8 carries. He had 9 yards, lol. There are possibly many legitimate reasons for the disparity between Best and Spiller that have nothing to do with Spiller sucking, but I think it's fair to compare the two rookies. We'll continue to compare them after 2 games, after 5 games, after 20 games, etc. Hopefully at some point Spiller starts outperforming Best.
  5. I hated the Chan hiring. LOATHED it. For people who follow college football Chan was generally regarded as an idiot, a terrible coach, someone you would bet against and make lots of money. His fans at GaTech hated him so much they created www.firechangailey.com . Then this idiot gets hired by the KC Chiefs and GET FIRED again before the season even starts! So I have no love lost for Chan Gailey, that idiot. But you can not lay total blame on Gailey for this abomination of a football team. It was going to be bad enough just having lots of sucky players. But to have lots of sucky players having to learn new systems from the first year head coach? This team was destined to suck out loud. I've said this before but our best hope for this season is to go 0-8, make a change at QB and then finish a more respectable 3-5 with Brohm at QB and showing some signs. That's a pipedream, of course. In actuality, we will probably just learn that Brohm sucks butt as well and we finish the season 2-14. An utterly disgusting season with all hope ruined except to look forward to the 2011 NFL Draft.
  6. Uh huh, based on 3 games, 2 of which were against cupcakes. Let's see how long that completion percentage lasts. He did well against Georgia but check out his numbers in road games and against good teams last season (http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/player/gamelog?playerId=232007&year=2009 ). Not pretty. But, he has time to improve and perhaps already has. We will see.
  7. Luck is head and shoulders above the other QB prospects but too bad he will likely stay another year. Hopefully the Bills bottom out NEXT season. This current QB class (without Luck) is overrated. Lots of little guys with no arms and lots of big guys with no accuracy.
  8. The Bills have the opportunity to eliminate 80% of the country from their office survivor pools this week. I might be underestimating that number since Green Bay will obviously be the most popular pick. That means the Bills have a chance to do something meaningful this week and leave their mark on the NFL season. We will not win the Super Bowl. We will not make the playoffs. We might not win four games. But we can be the team that knocks out almost everyone in the country from their office survivor pools. Git r dun, Chan and Trent. Don't eff this up like you have everything else in your pitiful football careers.
  9. You can't just start rookies all over the field willy nilly. This isn't baseball. It's football, a violent sport, and you risk getting the kids hurt and their veteran teammates hurt when you play unprepared talent. Hopefully around midseason we can see more of these kids. But, knowing the Bills, all those young players probably suck anyway. We draft horribly.
  10. Levy is a choker, fake intellectual and smells of death.
  11. The Mexican reporter chick is overrated. She just has big boobs.
  12. McCluster, through one game, looks like a much better draft value than Spiller. Hopefully that changes.
  13. Unrealistic to expect the media to discuss the Bills winning the division when we haven't made the playoffs in a decade. We're a longshot and everyone knows it. Who cares what they say anyway? If the Bills win games, we'll get praised.
  14. We're playing him inside... even Lawrence Taylor wouldn't be Lawrence Taylor if he played ILB. We'll see if it works out well but we may look back on things in a year or two and wish Moats had been playing outside.
  15. You can make an educated guess, though... here's mine: they will suck.
  16. More important than the raw number of touches he gets, I'm going to judge his rookie season on three things: 1. He needs to demonstrate the ability to avoid big hits. I want to see him have the instincts to duck his head at the last second or make that one final cut to avoid engaging tacklers head on. Small guys don't last in this league if they continue to rack up high-speed collisions. To me, it's okay for a guy like Spiller to step out of bounds if he's going to get whacked by staying inbounds. 2. Along the same health lines, I don't want to see any pulled hammies or groins or other little nicks that sap his explosiveness. If he can make it through 16 games and still be an explosive guy in Game 16 while getting 15 touches a game, I'll be very happy. 3. Talent. Can he move the chains for whichever young QB we have in there when given a short dumpoff? Can he provide a few long TDs over the course of season? That's why we drafted him, right? I don't expect a huge rookie year numbers-wise because the talent around him sucks. But if he can consistently flash his talent, then we'll know that in two or three years when the Bills hopefully have more talent on the roster, he'll put up big numbers.
  17. 15 touches a game for his rookie year would be fine. I'm not even sure it's prudent to give him 30 touches a game. You risk wearing him out both over the course of the game and the course of the season. 15-20 fresh, explosive touches a game should be what we're aiming for here.
  18. That was a very good post, SJ Bills Fan. Don't let the haters bring you down (not that you have). Look, I like the Spiller back but I realize the potential for it to look bad in a few years if he's no more productive than Best and McCluster. We'll see what happens.
  19. LOL. Schobel, Poz, KWill, and Stroud. Steel Curtain. And they're not even members of the best defensive unit on our team, the secondary!
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