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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. Don't want a short yardage weapon playing QB full-time. A very effective short-yardage weapon, mind you, but nonetheless...
  2. Mallett a baby Manning? He has the "IT factor" but Luck doesn't? That's ridiculous. Arkansas ranks 44th in the country in 3rd down conversion. Stanford ranks 2nd. http://espn.go.com/college-football/statistics/team/_/stat/downs/sort/thirdDownConvPct Also go back to last season when Arkansas ranked a lowly 103rd in the country in 3rd down conversion while Stanford ranked 21st. http://espn.go.com/college-football/statistics/team/_/stat/downs/sort/thirdDownConvPct/year/2009 . 103rd in the country is quite frankly embarrassing for a highly rated QB prospect. Luck is a tremendously quick decision maker which is why HE always gets compared to Manning. Did you know he has only taken 3 sacks this season? THREE! And only 6 sacks last season so less than 10 for his career thus far. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/player/profile?playerId=380470 . Mallett has taken 14 sacks this season and 24 sacks last season. There's a reason why Luck is considered far and away the best QB prospect in the country. He has 90% of Mallett's arm strength but many times more mobility, football IQ, regular IQ, and feel for the game. The boy moves the chains. And on top of all that Luck is an explosive athlete, and the devastating hit he laid on that USC defender will remain the stuff of youtube legend. With all that said, I expect Luck to be playing college football next year and I wouldn't mind the Bills taking Mallett. He's no sure thing but no draft pick is and you have to take chances to be great.
  3. Why would Carolina pass on Luck just because they used a second-rounder on a QB the previous season? Do you pass on a Jaguar just because you already own a Civic? It's tough to get too concerned about this right now, though. A few things have to happen for it to even matter, starting with Luck leaving school.
  4. Most of the world seems to think the Bills get their first win today. You know what that means. Bears in a blowout.
  5. You might have this completely backwards. I think the team knows what it has in Brohm (he sucks) and they want to see if Fitzpatrick can continue his strong play. They are "finding out" about Fitzpatrick right now. In addition, don't forget about the value of developing other players. Stevie Johnson probably doesn't break out if Edwards were still at the helm, for example. Fitz provides competent QB play that allows the young players around him to hone their craft.
  6. They have a lot of talent on defense and some nice playmakers on offense, too. They've played better games than what they did against the Bills, but they're a good team.
  7. Wouldn't get good value back for him, and he's an important piece in helping the young players develop. You don't want to all of a sudden thrust young players into new roles or have them carry too big a load. The presence of Evans allows gradual progress.
  8. He should have mixed in a run or been less predictable but it's not that big a deal to me since I consider a tie to be like a loss anyway. If Gailey ever plays it the same way at the end of a half, THEN I'll be very annoyed at him.
  9. It's tough to ban that timeout because defenses should have the option to call timeout if they feel unprepared for a fake field goal or if they have 12 men on the field or something like that. I agree the league should try to ban it, but the language of the rule will be tough.
  10. We are only 4 games in and we'll need about 25-30 games of proof. Even if he finishes the season strong, we would want to see him repeat the performance next season to ensure that he's not a one-season wonder like Derek Anderson or David Garrard. Far too early to tell but it's exciting to see good QB play.
  11. The two things are related. The Colts reversed their culture of losing when they drafted Peyton Manning. The Rams may be along the same path with Sam Bradford. But unfortunately there might not be that level of QB available in this upcoming draft so it's tough for me to get caught up in rooting for the #1 pick. I know I was rooting hard for the Bills against the Ravens.
  12. If Fitz finishes with a good year (and like others, I've been very pleased with his play... how could you not?), I hope the Bills don't make the mistake of signing him to a big contract extension just yet. Make him prove it for a second year. Don't make a Derek Anderson or David Garrard type mistake where one big year becomes a huge contract right away.
  13. Exactly what I wrote. There is nothing to read between the lines. The benefit of losing is contingent on how strong the top of the draft is, and 1-15 is only a good thing if you get to draft a Manning, Ryan, or Bradford. Also, to other responses, obviously the players and coaches should always try to win. But, sometimes, if they happen to lose in spite of trying to win, it becomes a good thing. Where would the Colts be if they didn't get the opportunity (by losing lots of games) to draft Manning in 1998? Perhaps still struggling as a franchise like they did throughout the 80s and most of the 90s. But I'm not sure whether this year qualifies for losing=good status, though. Depends on how good those college QBs are. (P.S. Luck is staying in school)
  14. It's better to lose. But let's say hypothetically Fitz is a good QB and there are no great QBs that will become available in the draft in 2011. Then it becomes better to win.
  15. Chris Johnson is much better than any other RB, including Spiller. He should never be the comparison even when Spiller starts to play better because nobody is going to touch 4.24 speed. But Spiller for now is struggling and it's okay to point that out since everybody expected better. Hopefully he improves. Before the season started, no one could've imagined the Bills scoring 30 and putting up 500 on a good defense without Spiller playing a major role.
  16. Spiller isn't a bust yet but obviously he played a huge role in losing this football game for the Bills. He needs to make a play to atone and swing the momentum.
  17. I agree that too much technology has hurt the modern world, making us not as good a people as past generations. Our children have it a bit too easy and feel a bit too entitled (12 yr olds that feel they have a "right" to have a cell phone) and don't have to work as hard for stuff. And there's too many children in general. Too many dumb parents who have kids that they can't really afford to support and raise properly. A general problem of overpopulation. This sounds evil but if a lot of people died off, the people who remained would have more space, more jobs, less crime to deal with, etc. The best thing that could happen to us would be if Canada and Mexico randomly decided to invade and we get into a massive land war with them that kills off a nice segment of our population. It might suck for those who died but the people who remain probably live better.
  18. Have some balls and take a chance. For example, you can't just go through life not asking girls out just because they might say no. Likewise, you take a chance on drafting a QB because it can change your franchise in a way that no other position can. If you have a good QB, your team will have a chance at the playoffs every year. Besides, you can draft busts at any position, not just QB.
  19. Luck is majoring in architectural design, actually. His makeup and family background are just different from the vast majority of draft picks. I'll wager against anyone that Luck stays in school. Name the stakes.
  20. Athletic scholarships are not the only kind given by a university. The kid in the library could've earned an academic scholarship given by either the university or an independent entity. Of course, it is tough to earn any scholarship -- athletic, academic, or otherwise.
  21. Nobody is saying to pay them millions. But about $500 a month would seem to go a long ways for some of these kids. Regular students that work in the school library get paid, right? On the other hand, athletes that perform much more valuable work (in terms of $$$) to the university don't get paid.
  22. Agreed. His silence speaks volumes. I don't really mind what Favre did, though. If he wants to chase some young tail, then good for him. Favre supported Deanna through her bout with cancer which probably cost him a pretty penny. Hopefully she supports him here.
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