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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. The tie was disturbing to coworkers and potential paying customers. It's a business, afterall. Look, common sense has to rule here. This is a guy who woke up and thought to himself, "I'm going to be a big dick at work today." He was told by his superior to stop being a dick, he didn't comply, and so he was fired. That's how life works. He was asking for trouble and he got it. The douchebag will probably try to sue but I highly doubt he gets a penny.
  2. Yeah, I get that. But when the organization promotes a player as very mature but it turns out that he is actually very immature, they should be reminded of that and criticized.
  3. Why would you feel the Bills have a better chance of correctly evaluating defensive linemen rather than quarterback? Where's the evidence? McCargo, Maybin, and Ellis didn't work out so well. The early returns on Troup and Carrington aren't great (still bitter that Rob Gronkowski is not on this team). The one impact d-linemen they drafted was Kyle Williams, but if they knew he was going to be a Pro-Bowler, they wouldn't have waited until the 5th round to nab him. They get some credit there but I also think they lucked out a little bit. Bottom line, I don't have confidence in the Bills evaluating ANY position correctly.
  4. If it's a close game, I think Big Ben pulls out the win. He has a lot more experience than Rodgers at winning these big games. Rodgers is a bit of a frontrunner at this point of his career. He's really good at getting hot and just blowing inferior teams away. However, a stat that will probably be mentioned some over the next couple of weeks is that Rodgers has a record of 2-13 in close games (winning margin of 4 points or fewer). It's hard not to trust Roethlisberger more in a tight game. BUT, the Packers are very capable of winning the Super Bowl comfortably. They just match up well with the Steelers. Their multiple good receivers should cause fits for the Steelers weak secondary. GB's front 7 might do nasty things to Pittsburgh's offensive line. Even moreso if Pouncey can't play.
  5. That's still a somewhat sizeable list of players that I suspect the Bills could've afforded. But yeah, many teams lose free agents and are able to replenish with good drafting. Bills haven't done that.
  6. Chan has talked about being a "multiple front" team. So I think the way this will work at first is that Wannstedt will pitch in by doing a lot of the gameplanning, film preparation, and coaching up of the players for our 4-3 looks. Edwards will continue to be mostly responsible for our 3-4 looks. One gamedays, Edwards makes all the play calls because you really can't have two d-coordinators. BUT, if Edwards continues to struggle in that role, Gailey won't be hesitant to demote him and hand over playcalling duties to his buddy Wannstedt.
  7. The thinking that the offense is in much better shape than the defense is overrated. NFL.com has us as the 25th ranked offense and the 24th ranked defense... http://www.nfl.com/stats/team?seasonId=2010&seasonType=REG&Submit=Go Advanced statistics say we have the 26th ranked offense and 28th ranked defense.... http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/teameff To me, there's really not much of a difference. We suck on both offense and defense.
  8. Miller is going to be a consistent double-digit sack guy in the NFL, imo. I do want to see what happens at the combine first, but I suspect Miller will not run a slow 40 and a slow short shuttle like Maybin did. And obviously he's not a one-year wonder in college like Maybin was. I'm not saying draft him or don't draft him. But I am saying there won't be any comparison between Miller and Maybin after the combine results are in, and I don't think there will be any comparison in NFL production either.
  9. Use google and look it up. The Bills talked ad nauseam about Whitner and Maybin's maturity when we drafted them.
  10. That's a great point, GG. I think about how we lost out on Rodgers because of Losman all the time.
  11. I'm not sure I believe this rumor. But let me say that Easley was an extremely impressive college WR that carried the punchless UConn offense on his back. I was really disappointed when he got hurt. If he recovers all of his previous speed, then the Bills will have a nice young corps of receivers with Nelson, Johnson, and Easley. Now go get a tight end.
  12. Just a gut feeling based on hearing him speak in interviews and the struggles that black QBs typically have in reading defenses in the NFL. I know that's not very substantial and I certainly could be wrong. But, sometimes these prejudices are accurate. CJ Spiller sounds extremely dumb in interviews, and as it turns out, he spent his rookie season struggling to pick up the offense.
  13. There IS a positive if the Steelers win the Super Bowl. Roethlisberger would tie Brady with 3 and you could have a debate about which is the better QB and which franchise is better, the Steelers or Patriots. Trust me, New England fans are rooting heavily against the Steelers in the Super Bowl. For that reason alone, I have to root for Pittsburgh. The Bills suck. I wish I had hope and reason to emotionally invest in rooting for them. Instead, I'm left with rooting for Patriots fans to suffer. Which they will if Pittsburgh win.
  14. What's funny is that when the Bills drafted Whitner and Maybin, one of the positives that the Bills promoted about them was that they are very mature players who are going to be leaders on the team. Man, did the Bills ever get the wool pulled over their eyes on those two or what. Here's the thing. When a player declares for the draft and signs with an agent, the agent immediately puts the player into a draft preparation camp. They work on running 40s and doing drills that help them excel at the combine and on pro days. But more than that, the draft camp prepares these players for INTERVIEWS and how to say the right things and such. You can take a completely immature kid like Maybin and have him learn a script of the right things to say and have the player completely fool some franchises into thinking that they have good character and diligence. IMO, the Bills have been fooled often.
  15. There hasn't been anyone like Newton to be honest. People like to compare him to Vince Young but the HUGE difference is that Vince Young throws like a girl and Cam Newton throws like a real QB. Can't really compare Newton to Big Ben either because Roethlisberger was way more polished as a passer while Newton is even more dangerous as a runner. I really think Newton is a unique, never-seen-before talent. The big question is whether he is smart enough to handle playing QB in the NFL. My guess is no.
  16. Your son may be gay. There are camps to correct that behavior. Look into them.
  17. Nix IS a heavily praised personnel man, though. And that's why he's our GM. Hopefully our drafting improves under him but I'm afraid he may be oh-for-1 so far on drafts. Hopefully that was just first draft jitters and he starts to rake from now on. And we're spending a ton of money on Whitner, Maybin, Spiller, etc...
  18. They don't really spend that much. Except for Woodson, all those players were drafted and homegrown. Bills just suck at drafting.
  19. Once again a top 5 QB is going to win the Super Bowl. Having a great defense is nice, but it would take the Bills a really long time to build one, at least two or three drafts where they hit on very high percentage of drafted defenders. Also, it's not really as necessary as having a great QB. The Saints and Colts defenses that won Super Bowls weren't all that great. But it's been a long time since a mediocre or even good QB has won one. NFL rule changes continue to increase the advantage that offenses have every year. IMO, the 2002 Bucs and 2000 Ravens could not win the Super Bowl today. The Bills should tank the 2011 season for Andrew Luck.
  20. If they lose, it has to be the Steelers because I think the Jets beat either NFC team. My gut says Pittsburgh wins tomorrow. Hard to imagine any team going 2-0 at Heinz Field in the same season.
  21. That may be true. But before the playoffs started, the only thing I wanted to see was the Patriots lose. I wanted their fans to start to wonder whether they'll ever get that fourth Super Bowl trophy (and first post-Spy Gate one). For granting me my sole playoff wish, I am indebted to the Jets and they will have my allegiance. J-E-T-S Jets Jet JETS!
  22. They're about even now but Sanchez will continue to improve and is the better choice for the next 10 years
  23. Rooting for the Jets. They deserve it for knocking off NE on the road.
  24. We should draft a QB in the second round and start him all season. The NFL didn't seem to get suspicious when Carolina did that with Clausen. An 0-16 or 1-15 campaign later, tada, Andrew Luck falls into our lap. I kind of like drafting Locker for that crash-test dummy role. Completely inaccurate, can't read a defense, but he's a big enough name that it won't draw suspicion as to why we're benching Fitzpatrick. Locker is our QB of the future, see? Makes sense to start him.
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