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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. He's not even that talented. His combine numbers were average. Basically the Bills drafted an average talent who got a lot of money and therefore played even worse than average. You guys would be shocked by how Maybin spends his evenings. Let's just say lots of whores and cocaine are involved. He doesn't watch film or prepare.
  2. The Fitz / Brees comparisons are laughable. Fitz's greatest weakness is Brees' greatest strength. Besides, Brees didn't emerge until after the Chargers drafted Rivers. Don't underestimate the value of competition. If Fitz has a chance to be as good as Brees (again, LOL), then it will be with Newton or Gabbert as his backup, pushing him.
  3. the Bills should draft a QB then tank the season to draft Andrew Luck. draft as many QBs as it takes to get it right. QBs turn franchises around.
  4. that doesn't even make much sense once you think about it. marv was an idiot, but had the rep of a smart guy couldn't win a Super Bowl when loaded with talent. couldn't draft worth a damn.
  5. as if she would attend games in Buffalo if we drafted him.
  6. I wish Tom Brady's wife would stab him. That would help the Bills a lot more. Unfortunately, the crazy wives/girlfriends seem to be limited to dating the "brothers"
  7. Anybody the Bills draft is probably going to suck anyway. I'd rather they waste the pick on a possible high-reward position like QB than wasting it on other positions. If you could only buy one lottery ticket, you'd buy PowerBall not a lottery where the top prize is $500.
  8. Neither one offended me. Their combined actions sound like a fun Thursday night on the town.
  9. They should also make 32 Super Bowl trophies each year.
  10. If the Bills draft Newton, they need to use the rest of their draft picks on OFFENSE. Try to provide the young QB with as many weapons and as much protection as possible. Set him up for success. The Packers and Saints build their offenses up first, then worried about defense later. The Colts did the same. The Patriots are in the process of doing the same. Steelers are the only exception among the league leaders. It's a new age of football. Consistent, high-level success means building for offensive football.
  11. Kelly the Dog has demonstrated strong bite in this thread. I agree with everything he's said.
  12. Exactly right. There was no attempt at deception last season. Why expect it now? Old fart is more like it. And old people tend to be old school and don't lie and stuff.
  13. A couple of things. If a "one year wonder" gets ruled out, then the Bills shouldn't draft Bowers or Fairley either. I think Dilfer overstated his case. I'm on record as thinking drafting Newton at 3 isn't a terrible idea, BUT there is no way I can say that the ball "jumps out of his hand" like Dilfer did. In the Auburn games I watched, Newton showed very good arm strength, not great arm strength. His freak qualities are in his size/speed combination, not in how he spins the ball.
  14. I picked Kelly because I want the Bills to draft a QB instead of a defensive player. That's right. I see through your ruse.
  15. I think my most memorable evil deed was to sway Dr. Manhattan into vaporizing Rorschach
  16. There's been more twitter activity over the past day or so: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&prmdo=1&tbs=mbl%3A1&q=%22twobillsdrive%22&aq=f&aqi=g-s1g1g-v5&aql=t&oq=
  17. We say that every year. "This draft will set the tone for the next 10 years", "It's the most important/exciting draft since XXXX", and then the Bills go out and pick a bust. The draft will only matter if the Bills choose wisely. Otherwise, eh. Time will tell.
  18. When I saw the thread title, I thought this would end up being sarcastic with the Packer fan thanking us for drafting Maybin instead of Matthews and trading for Losman instead of waiting for Aaron Rodgers.
  19. I've said it before but here goes again. I think Cameron Newton is stupid. I think he will probably fail in the NFL. And yet, if the Bills draft him at #3, I won't be upset because of his tremendous upside. I like it when a team is aggressive and goes for the gold instead of the bronze. The Bills are at a point where they have to be careful which set of tracks they want to set their train on. The farthest destination the Ryan Fitzpatrick tracks will go is 10-6 and a wild card birth. Some may disagree but that's how I feel about him. It will be a safe and smooth ride with him, though. The Cameron Newton train tracks has a destination of Super Bowl champion but with a caveat that the train could derail at any point and kill everyone on board. So what do we choose? Personally, I like to live dangerously. Go for the gold.
  20. Fairley has been compared to Warren Sapp repeatedly. Not saying I want him. Just saying you're wrong.
  21. Don't do the crime unless you can do the time. The Bills can stop hindsight opinions by starting to make good personnel decisions. And you can root for another team if you want to stop hearing them.
  22. 4 sacks in 3 years. Still better than Maybin, though
  23. Dalton fails the 26-27-60-Not_A_Creepy_Ginger rule, however. It's an extra variable that is very important. I'm going out on a huge limb and saying that he'll score lower than a 26 on his Wonderlic, though
  24. No link. Chan was quoted by the announcer at the Senior Bowl so you'd have to watch a replay of the game to catch it. I believe it was during the second half if you want to narrow it down. Basically, Chan was quoted as saying the era of the hybrid QB is coming, and you're either going to be at the front of the wave or the back of the wave, but the wave is coming. I think he's right. Passing will always be the most important skill, but 10 years from now, most QBs will have to be able to do some spread-option work.
  25. I voted QB and QB. I like Fitz... but we've got to do better. In this league, you can't be a year-in year-out contender without a better QB.
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