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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. I'll be rooting against the Bills for draft position. Gotta replace EJ or at least give him 1st round competition. Not that the Bills are really going to draft a QB or anything. They'll pass on QBs, and several of them will end up better than EJ. So it goes, as a Bills fan.
  2. thanks bro. so i'm not invisible but i need to do a better job of trolling by being less awkward i think? alright, it's doable
  3. hello, please reply to this post if you can read this. thanks.
  4. This upcoming Jets game is the biggest moment in EJ's life. Let's hope he comes through. Don't get swept by a QB drafted lower than you, EJ. Geno would legally be able to walk into your home and sleep your wife for the rest of your life. Seriously, it's law.
  5. Even if it's just blaming him for hiring the wrong people, of course Ralph deserves some blame. Being an Owner means you own everything - the profits, the wins, the losses. Accountability.
  6. They probably were committed to drafting a QB in the first round and EJ happened to be their highest rated QB in this weak QB class. (Credit to them for getting a 2nd rounder that turned out to be Alonso before pulling the trigger on EJ, though.) I still support the Bills' decision to pick a first-round QB. That it turned out to be a bust in EJ is unfortunate, but the mentality was correct. You can't be a consistent winner in this league without a good QB. And that's why they need to pull the trigger on a 1st-round QB again in this upcoming draft. Keep shooting until you hit the target.
  7. lol, so true Only way to get honest answers to your question though is to strap people to lie detectors, point a gun at their heads, and tell them that a lie means death. We'd get 100% "I'd start Manziel" answers at that point
  8. We really have a 14 game sample size on EJ He sucked in 6 regular season games, got himself injured twice causing him to miss 4 regular season games and 2 preseason games, and he played well in 2 preseason games when opponents weren't gameplanning. I don't like it when we omit his missed games from the sample, as if making smart choices to stay healthy isn't part of being an NFL QB. Moreover, I'd like to see the list of Super Bowl winning QBs or Hall-of-Fame QBs that started their career with two separate knee injuries causing them to miss games.
  9. EJ should just continue to get well-timed injuries so he can start for the Bills for next 10 years then.
  10. At what cost? Bridgewater? Manziel? Another QB better than EJ? In a few years, after the Bills have missed the playoffs 16 years in a row, people are going to look back at the 2012 thru 2014 drafts and wonder how the hell a franchise so desperate for a good QB ended up passing on the studs in the 2012 and 2014 drafts only to go all-in with the crappy QB class of 2013. God help us, the Bills are going to give EJ 3 years to "develop."
  11. Then you are being deliberately obtuse. Look back at the original post in this thread. Do any NFL fans want those kinds of things being said about their supposed franchise QB? In an ideal world, you'd want those college fans to miss him terribly right? It seems like the opposite is happening.
  12. Wow, I didn't even know those were the things FSU fans were saying about Winston vs EJ. While I agree with you that Winston hasn't played enough games to conclude anything definitively, just the fact that FSU fans are saying those things at all does not look good for EJ.
  13. Give it more than one game. He could play awful this Sunday and nobody would be surprised.
  14. If we switched QBs with Denver, NE, New Orleans, etc, the Bills would be just as good as those teams are now.
  15. It's plainly obvious the Bills should draft a first round QB next year. That does not mean they give up on EJ. Have him compete with another talented first-rounder for the starting job. If he can beat out, say, Manziel for the job, I would be very surprised but it would make EJ a better QB and imbue him with great confidence having won a fierce competition. Everything good in life is earned. The only way to be a successful NFL franchise year in and year out is to have a good QB. If you don't have one, your only job should be to do everything possible to have one. Why would we be satisfied firing only one bullet at that target of having a good QB? An injury-prone and inaccurate bullet at that. Put more bullets in the cylinder and keep firing until you hit. Risking everything on your one bullet hitting the target is insane.
  16. I would trade him, Mario, and Kiko to Jacksonville for a 7th rounder. Maybe spread some love to the Bucs and Vikings too. For obvious reasons. But I doubt Jacksonville accepts the offer. They know what to do.
  17. lol. me dumb but me walk on sidewalk not on road when car coming my way. so me smarter than ej
  18. Uh, I would hope that everyone -- EJ backers, EJ detractors, but most importantly, EJ himself -- realizes he should've gone out of bounds after getting the first down. It was a stupid, needless injury.
  19. Part of being injury prone is being too dumb to go out of bounds once you've run for the first down. And even then, lots of players would've instinctively positioned their body better to protect themselves upon impact. Some players know how to fall and take a hit. Other players have two knee injuries that cause them to miss time through a measly 5 games.
  20. I don't know if it was intentional or not but this post made me LOL. Bravo.
  21. When it's all said and done, I don't think we will regret passing on Geno in a few years. For the time being, I am okay with him playing well so Bills fans and hopefully the Bills front office realize that playing QB in the NFL is easy, even for rookies. Countless other examples in recent years as well. It's obvious we need to go back to the drawing board with another 1st round QB in the 2014 draft. The only gaffe the Bills could really make is marrying themselves to EJ for no good reason at all.
  22. Geno got out of bounds there. EJ would've gotten a third knee injured. Lie, and tell me you all weren't thinking that.
  23. I actually like this signing. As a long-term solution, of course not. But for a few games, this guy's pretty exciting. We can run the read option with impunity knowing that if this guy gets hammered or concussed, he's just a street free agent we picked up. I would rather watch PatWhite-ball than Fitz-ball or Tuel-ball or Kolb-ball. And frankly, until he improves, EJ-ball.
  24. I would much rather be the Jags than the Bills. They're going to have Bridgewater or Manziel at QB next season and they have a smart, billionaire owner that knows how to think long-term. The Jags are going to follow the Colts' blueprint of two seasons ago. Flirt with 0-16, get their QB, and then turn things right around. I'm sure two seasons ago, Bills fans were like, "At least we're not as bad as the Colts." Look at them now.
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