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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. It's really an insult to Obama to compare him with Bush or any other previous CIC. The 42 men who served in that role prior to Obama were American Presidents. Obama, on the other hand, is the first Anti-American President of the USA. And he's been fabulous at the job.
  2. Love this essay by a black man. Yes, liberals are to be blamed. http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/09/yes_i_blame_white_liberals.html
  3. It is hard to get paid out if you choose the wrong sportsbook. Google "sbr review" and choose one of their A or A+ rated sportsbooks. Due to the following law, Paypal can not be used: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlawful_Internet_Gambling_Enforcement_Act_of_2006
  4. lol Obama's not even hiding that he's Muslim anymore
  5. What if they're not needed so much right now? Self-interest doesn't mean the individual scientists have to be paid millions (although it wouldn't shock me if the Green industry kickbacked some to the leading climate scientists). It could just mean the feeling of being important, of doing research that saves the world and wins recognition and awards. As for the level of consensus, first of all, scientific consensus has been wrong many times in the past. But I don't believe man-caused global warming is a true consensus. If it were a consensus and they were that confident, Climategate would not have occurred. Bullying of dissenters would not occur. As a comparison, whether evolution is correct or not, there is much greater scientific consensus there.
  6. Why do teachers unions' deny the benefits of school choice / vouchers? Self-interest can get you to believe a lie and participate in groupthink. Additionally, if you've been committed to a certain point of view for a long time, it's really hard to accept conflicting data.
  7. lol, Pro Bowl. Let's see if he even out-plays Manziel and Bridgewater, two QBs we passed up on. That's the first hurdle.
  8. That's exactly right. We'll be lucky if Whaley/Marrone don't continue to trade away future assets in a desperate attempt to win now. Afterall, a 2016 first-rounder is like a third-round pick according to the logic a lot of people using.
  9. Legacies on the line. EJ Manuel (playing for his career basically) vs Johnny Manziel Marrone/Schwartz vs Pettine 4-3 vs 3-4 Doug Whaley vs Browns GM Ray Farmer post-trade These two franchises are now inextricably linked because of the trade and choices made. We passed up on Manziel to back Manuel and get him another weapon. We replaced Pettine with a 4-3 coach. We gave up a 2015 1st-rounder and the Browns gladly accepted, betting that Buffalo won't make the playoffs. Their fans think they made off with a heist. Bills are at home. Better not blow this game.
  10. Bleh. That's a ridiculously weak answer by Whaley for not using the tag. More Whaley: How is the non-bold part at all an adequate answer for the bold part? The question wasn't why can't we keep everybody...
  11. This would hurt a lot worse if I actually liked the QB and head coach. As is, the loss of Pettine and now Byrd maybe hastens the departure of EJ and Marrone. At the very least if EJ and Marrone get wins for the Bills, they will have earned it instead of having Pettine's defense carry them to victories. That's the silver lining.
  12. Let's just say Texas A&M is going to feel the loss of Manziel a heck of a lot worse than FSU felt the loss of EJ.
  13. Yes, if Manziel busts, you would go back to the well the following year with another QB. (Or hopefully EJ improves). It's a win-win situation. Manziel is a good QB, or you have failed to upgrade the team so that you are in a better position to draft a QB the following year and not have to hope 8 teams pass on someone. The only position the Bills should be keeping stocked are offensive linemen anyway. To protect rookie QBs that come through until we find one that is good. And maybe some receiving weapons as well.
  14. I've been "on the record" before but won't mind repeating it again. Manziel will be a better QB than EJ Manuel. Therefore, should the Bills be in a position to draft Manziel, they should do so. If they pass on him, they'll regret it. We'll see how it plays out.
  15. We should trade up for one of the top 3 QBs.
  16. The only silver lining I can think of is EJ gets to sink or swim. No playing horribly and getting bailed out by our defense. It's the least you can ask for after passing on Manziel and/or Bridgewater to develop him.
  17. Manziel is a much better QB than EJ. Unfortunately, he won't be available at 9.
  18. Bortles is a much better QB than EJ. He won't be there at 9, unfortunately.
  19. It's no surprise. I gave up on the Bills drafting another QB weeks ago. We will end up ignoring the loaded QB drafts of 2012 and 2014 and end up going all-in with the turdfest 2013 QB draft. It will look completely insane and stupid in 5 years. It already does now.
  20. Definitely lean towards improving the offense. The defense probably just needs another year together to reach top 5 status. (Can we keep the players together, though? I haven't been following the contract situation.) The offense, though, needs a lot of work. It's an offensive league and to have so little talent on offense, especially at QB, is a killer.
  21. You would be trading them at a low point in their values. Not a good idea when trading. Also, you would be putting the onus on the wrong person. This season is EJ's failure (not that I would trade him either). Stevie and Spiller would be playing well with a competent QB.
  22. To be fair, nobody complains about Pettine. People love him.
  23. Confidence that he can become a good enough (and durable enough) QB to make the Bills perennial playoff contenders? 5%. I think most estimates in this thread are extremely high. For example, if you say 50%, you're basically saying you're willing to bet $100 to win $101 that EJ will be a good QB. For me, I would need the payout to be much larger than that. If I bet $100 on EJ's future, I'd want the possibility of winning $2000 at least.
  24. I am hardly the first person on this board to point out that Badol is one of our smartest posters. What's actually "ridiculous" is you focusing so much on that compliment. Is your self esteem so low that you can't handle when someone else receives praise? There, there, son. I'll keep an eye on you, and when you start posting insightful material, I'll throw a compliment your way as well. Don't commit suicide over this.
  25. Lol, someone feels a bit small down there. Badol is one of the smartest posters on this or any football board. You know it. Everyone knows it. EJ sucks. Draft a 1st round QB in April, or spend the next decade regretting passing on several QBs that will be better than him.
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