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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. oh man I love that clay matthews took his opportunity to lay out wilson
  2. 95% of the time I'm with those who say you should go for it on 4th and goal from the 1 there. I'm more mixed on that particular decision there, though. It depends on what type of game this thing turns out to be. If it's a 13-10 game, it was the right move to kick the FG, imo. If it's 28-24, you probably should've gone for it.
  3. Sanjay probably ate Curry for lunch in the interviews.
  4. They're expecting fans to be realistic and okay with not always getting the truth. For example, if they announce that EJ is the starter next season and the entire braintrust agreed that this was in the Bills best interest, we'd know that there might not have been 100% agreement necessarily, but we'll go along with it for obvious reasons. I guess what I'm say is, us realizing that we're going to be fed lies sometimes about agreement is a feature, not a bug. They're training us to be realistic and okay with it.
  5. Would be interesting if Marrone can't land a HC job and Schwartz can't land a DC job.
  6. All coaches these days say they're going to be flexible and not be married to a particular scheme. It seems par-for-the-course for introductory press conferences. In the end, though, the coaches will revert to their tendencies. Luckily, Rex's tendencies have generated very good defenses. Expect a lot of 3-4 and expect it to do well. For example, weren't we worried about Schwartz changing up Pettine's scheme too much? And when HE was introduced, I'm almost certain Schwartz said he was flexible and stuff. But Schwartz ended up implementing his scheme wholesale, which worked out well, because he had a lot of great talent that fit it.
  7. Russ and Whaley are still in the process of gaining the Pegulas' trust as well. I figure if the Pegulas had a comfortable 10-yr relationship with either of them, then the head coach maybe doesn't report directly to the owner.
  8. Gonna be interesting to see what happens to Europe over the next couple of decades, as the Muslim population continues to grow. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/01/14/french-muslim-students-yell-allahu-akbar-dishonor-moment-of-silence-for-charlie-hebdo-victims/ At another school in Seine-Saine-Denis, some 80 percent of students refused to honor the moment of silence, saying that the Charlie Hebdo staff “deserved what they got” for insulting Islam’s Muhammad, reports Le Figaro. In another incident in Lille, a young boy threatened to shoot his teacher “with a Kalashnikov” for asking him to remain silent during the minute of remembrance. Others spoke highly of jihadists who had joined ISIS and fought on behalf of Islam abroad. “You do not understand the Prophet, they should not have drawn it… He is above men,” was another student’s explanation as to why he was not going to respect the minute of silence. At a gathering of 400 students at a Roubaix college, a teacher said many of the students explained that they did not “fully understand” the point of the moment of silence. Some said they were “for those who killed” the people at Charlie Hebdo, the teacher explained. A 14-year-old explained that not all of the Charlie Hebdo employees deserved to die, just the one that drew Muhammad. The French Ministry of Education reported that some 70 schools reported incidents where students rejected the moment of silence.
  9. The official Bills site will probably have the entire presser up eventually for those that missed it. But here is Rex's opening statement, courtesy of WIVB:
  10. I can't speak to the rest of Rodak's work, but that particular question was one I wanted to hear an answer to. I'm glad it was asked.
  11. Oh, stop. This kid has obviously said some things in the past that would naturally lead people to make jokes about him being stupid on an internet forum. (Which could be way off base, of course. He could very well be smart.) Not a race thing.
  12. Yeah, like I asked before. People do know that we have to field defenses after 2015, right? Based on track record, Rex > Schwartz over the next five years. And if next year's defense runs into injury problems along the line and the coaches have to get creative without the benefit of such dominant talent, I'd bet on Rex next year as well.
  13. Unless he wins the starting job next year, a case can definitely be made that he should go pro. Mid-round pick? That doesn't sound too bad. If he gets benched for two years, he's not going to do better than that.
  14. Hiring has just started. Schwartz has plenty of time to find a destination. I wonder if he'll ever coach a top 5 defense again. He will almost certainly won't be inheriting such a talented defense. again.
  15. We do plan on fielding defenses beyond the 2015 season right? I could maybe buy that Schwartz would be a better d-coordinator than Rex for 2015 (given continuity and how well Schwartz did this year). But I would definitely take Rex over the next 5 years. Talent gets older. Talent leaves in free agency. Talent gets injured. Rex can overcome those things better because he's a very good tactician. I mean, we're not seriously worried that long-term Rex for Schwartz is a defensive downgrade, right?
  16. "For the time being" is right. Rex will win them over. This is not surprising. Completely different philosophies.
  17. Depends on the QBs we ended up passing on. Does Manziel, Bridgewater, or Carr make us regret the trade? Also, factor in any 2015 QB we could've had with our first-rounder. We'll see in a couple years.
  18. Give Indy some credit but this is mostly a major tank job by Peyton and the Broncos. They are soooo afraid of playing New England next week.
  19. Obama was busy on his knees praying in the direction of Mecca
  20. Yes, but there is ego that rubs people around you the wrong way (like Marrone) and there is ego where the players love you (like Rex). I'm okay with the latter.
  21. Here is a collection of polls that, if true, seem pretty damning: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/opinion-polls.htm
  22. How extreme are these guys really, though? Not in fundamental beliefs:
  23. What's interesting to me is that the French policemen who responded didn't have guns. I did a triple take when I read about that. What a weird, insane, lefty world Europe has become. But you're right, the citizens could've used some guns as well. In particular, the person who recorded the rooftop video of the Muslims shooting the cop in the head... that person could've been more useful with a gun from that vantage point.
  24. Sammy seems to be mature and a "work with the cards you were dealt" kind of guy. And his cards stand a good chance of improving. Almost certainly a better offensive coordinator next year.
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