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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. While perhaps technically true, I don't think he's going to be your type of centrist. When people refer to political centrists or moderates, they usually think along the lines of "I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative." They never think about the exact opposite, which is how I think Trump will govern. To be clear, I don't think Trump himself is socially conservative, but I would bet his SCOTUS picks will be. And if you consider anti-immigration to be part of social conservatism, you won't like his plans there. As for fiscal conservatism, I think there's a chance he's going to run massive deficits. But a lot depends on how much the Republican House and Senate will stand up to him. I'm very interested to see how it'll play out with the balance of power and who has leverage there.
  2. It was only $50, and I grant you amnesty. No need to pay. Knowing that Trump is president and that I was right is reward enough. And I WAS right about the secret minority support for Trump, wasn't I?
  3. Please let it happen. Who would object, really? But we do need a wall if they secede.
  4. lol she doth protest too much
  5. CEO wants to kill Trump
  6. A celebrity will win the 2020 Dem primary.
  7. You're so out of touch. TheRightStuff.biz, MPCdot.com, DailyStormer, etc lol, Stormfront
  8. Trump will be the final POTUS ever. The Republic is finished. So, either 9 or 0 is the correct answer, depending on how you look at it. And Ginsburg is going into the oven.
  9. Right. But it was particularly egregious given that it was being discussed right before I posted it.
  10. Magox, why did I have the pulse of the Latino community better than you did?
  11. True. That was particularly bad timing now that I look back.
  12. Has this been posted yet?
  13. This is such a yuge, unexamined factor to Trump winning. Regardless of how unconservative or unpresidential Trump is, almost every Republican understood how much a President Trump would trigger the left. I always knew that Trump was going to capture a surprising amount of Latinos, but I was always afraid that cucked whites would cost him the election. Thank you, truly, for uncucking yourselves for one night. Enjoy the many years of Schadenfreude to follow.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwWCh_kHJrA
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r83En0Z5NmA
  16. Omarosa. I would be okay with that, which would surprise some here. Ann Coulter need to be press secretary. I can't sleep.
  17. At least you didn't take my bet. Cheers.
  18. Are you lonely, LABillz? Need friends? We could be the greatest friends you've ever had.
  19. Why would I disappear? I've been around for years and years. Did you disappear when Romney lost? If nothing else, I got the Bills.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfkDzXuWhkk
  21. By the end of the day, there'll be lots of black people driving Priuses in Philly.
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