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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. I can go all day with examples. "Whites and Asians are largely successful in the USA, but blacks are not. Is it because whites are racist but have a soft spot for Koreans and Indians, the latter of which are sometimes much darker and funky looking than blacks? Or should blacks try to adopt the cultural norms of the whites and Asians in order to have better success? Or should we call them Uncle Toms if they try to do so?" Once again, flyover country will have the better answer than the Harvard graduates. "Studies show that 1 in 5 women are raped in college. Do you believe it?" Once again, flyover wins.
  2. This dude took a class about education in college and now wants to impress us, lol My example from upthread: "Is gender fluid and sexual orientation firm?" Again, I'll take the answer from the white plumbers and carpenters in flyover country than the one the Harvard graduates will give us.
  3. Let me repeat. There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. Do you acknowledge that it is possible for, say, Harvard graduates to be very intelligent but largely foolish about very important things? Another example. Appeasement. Given this question: "Will providing 150 billion dollars, weapons, and the nuclear bomb to Iran transform the country to moderate itself and cease its funding of terrorism and its pugilistic attitude towards its neighbors in the region?" For the answer to that question, I would trust the working class whites in flyover country to give the better answer than your Harvard graduates.
  4. IQ is different from wisdom, anyway. For example, a significant number of these "elites" believe that gender is fluid but sexual orientation is unchangeable. That's freaking retarded.
  5. The one on the right can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. The one on the left assists by cleaning on the other side.
  6. That cop was a jerk but it was progressives that killed Bland. Only an entire life spent imbibing progressive ideology and victimhood could make her feel so hopeless as to take her own life. It's a shame.
  7. Time will tell on this. I think Trump is going to show staying power and will be there for Iowa, NH, SC, etc before finally succumbing to the GOP establishment / Jeb in the end. I think by Feb of next year, there will be few doubts that he's in it to win it. As for Iran, time will tell as well. If a Republican president can't somehow find a way to re-impose sanctions, the world might be better off if somebody attacks. It doesn't have to be the USA. Giving the go-ahead to Israel to protect themselves is fine, too.
  8. I'm fine with using illegals to build the wall/fence. Heck, use 100% illegals for the manual labor for all I care. It's like when you take a man out into the woods to execute him, you would make him dig his own grave. You don't dig it for him out of spite. I'm also okay with Trump making it a wall/casino. Fill the wall with slot machines so that the player faces Mexico when playing. If granny spots an illegal trying to sneak in, she gets bonus points on her machine. This will also make retired people useful and give them dignity. I'm sure there are all sorts of creative ways to get the wall done. It just takes some American ingenuity. I'm interested to see how Trump would get it accomplished.
  9. Not the sole solution, but a necessary feature of the solution. We can't have open borders + welfare + anchor baby policy. Build a wall to stop the leak, and then we'll discuss the other aspects of immigration. Conservatives are owed a wall. Reagan amnestied like 4K illegals in the 80s in exchange for a wall, but the wall was never built. Debts need to be settled. That means America gets a wall.
  10. The furthest left I'm willing to go is Walker. In an ideal world, I would like Cruz, but for now I'll stay with Trump until he's no longer a contender. Jeb might as well be a Democrat. He's not going to rescind the Iran deal by force. He's not going to build a wall. He's for immigration reform and common core. He's not going to repeal Obamacare. What is the point of voting for him?
  11. Inflated by 100% means he really has 5 billion instead of 10 billion? Your mileage may vary, but I still don't see that false bragging being a big issue. Now, if you can find me where in the past he was against building a fence or was pro-amnesty, THAT would be a problem. For me. Again, your mileage may vary.
  12. Why? What's the point in getting into the nitty-gritty? It's not 8 billion either, despite the title? Is he at least a millionaire?
  13. I only skimmed. But the title suggests it adds up to $8 billion instead of $10 billion? Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
  14. None of them are muslim traitors.
  15. And those guys are actually blacker than Obama, who is a white black, similar to how George Zimmerman is a white hispanic.
  16. He was trying to get in a dig at McCain. Who cares? Does anyone really believe he doesn't respect POWs who were captured?
  17. Or read his name. Animals.
  18. Quick! Somebody find the confederate flag in Chattanooga that caused this, and take it down!
  19. Waaay down the line, maybe. But for the next few years, Hezbollah and Hamas will be flush with cash to terrorize them. The idea to pacify Iran by giving them lots of money, lots of weapons, and eventually the bomb is really, really stupid.
  20. Hopefully there is a certain pecking order in military prisons like there are in regular prisons. I would think deserters are like the child rapists of regular prisons.
  21. Taqiyya is actually a Shi'a doctrine. Could Obama have been Shi'a all along instead of Sunni?
  22. The Bills better win the Super Bowl soon. I thought I had several more decades to witness that event if I ate healthy and exercised and stuff. Nope. Forget the salary cap for future seasons. Just backload the crap out of every deal and put a winner on the field. Mods, please move this thread to the main TSW forum. TIA.
  23. For all we know, he showed restraint. Some kids are punks who deserve to get choked out. Nanny state.
  24. I would need confirmation that EJ is the starter first. If so, you're on!
  25. If it were no big deal, he wouldn't have lied about it. Not only is the coverup worse than the crime, but in this case, the coverup proves the extent of the crime.
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