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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. Oh, he would handle those simple questions with aplomb. If they just stick with policy questions, Trump will win the debate. Especially if Fox dares to mention trade agreements and immigration. But they won't.
  2. The three Fox moderators -- Wallace, Kelly, and Baier -- are going to give "gotcha" questions to Donald, and he'll need to handle them to continue advancing with a lead. Baier, I can maybe trust to be fair. But Kelly and Wallace are going to try to trip up the Trump. I hope you're prepared, Donald. American needs you.
  3. Oh, stop panicking about Trump. If you look at online betting markets, Trump is still a longshot at around 9-to-1 odds to win the Republican nomination. And Jeb at roughly 1.2-to-1 is still, by far, the candidate with the best odds. There's a reason for that. The Establishment almost always gets their man the nomination. The time to begin to worry would be if Trump maintains his lead all the way to the first primary and wins Iowa. But, Iowa is still so far away. I mean, Trump could do major damage to his candidacy tonight if he seems unprepared to handle a tough policy question. Fox News is not going to go easy on Donald. They want Jeb to win, too, much to my chagrin.
  4. You bleeding heart. What would you have Americans do? Watch these illegals sneak into the country and pump out their anchor babies, with each baby allowing the parents to grab more welfare money even though the parents are illegal? And then should Americans watch these anchor babies grow up to become adults with conferred citizenship (simply because their parents illegally snuck in) who can vote for more welfare for themselves and pump out more babies who will then grow up to vote for more welfare, etc etc etc? No, sir, that family tree needs to be pruned and pruned from the top where the original sin occurred. Do you deny that to preserve the future health of this republic, my Hola-caust idea is better than trying to "win them over." I can't see how you'd disagree, but maybe you ARE an Hola-caust denier.
  5. lol, this thread might as well be merged with the cuckservative thread.
  6. We should put Sue alone in a room with Gonzalez and see if she can figure out what his motive is for doing what he does to her and whether he understands.
  7. At this point, the contract is the only reasonable defense to saying no. But it's a good one. If you don't believe Tannehill can win you a Super Bowl, no need to lock yourself into mediocre for several seasons.
  8. If the people in charge were actually interested in making those moves, they would've done it by now. The plan seems to be to start the winner of the 3-way battle. I don't believe the people in charge are shocked by EJ struggling such that they're going to abandon their plan.
  9. Thanks, Astro. Tyrod starting to give me a stiffy.
  10. I'm really disappointed Morgan Freeman isn't an Uncle Tom. I would've bet good money otherwise. He so often plays an old, wise black man on film, I just figured he was one in real life. On the other hand, I'm now more impressed with his acting skills. Maybe that's the point of this video for him. He's trying to say, "I don't just play myself on screen all the time."
  11. Jeb says Obama speaks the truth about racial injustice: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/249910-bush-praises-obama-at-urban-league http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/07/31/jeb-obama-speaking-the-truth-on-racial-injustice/
  12. Much better. I was being cis-missive of her gender
  13. So it’s okay to have socialism, but it can’t be international socialism, it has to be socialism in one nation. A sort of national socialism, I guess. lol, apparently Bernie was singing a different tune when giving a speech in front of La Raza two weeks ago:
  14. Well, we could roll it back even further if you want, to say 1890 before literacy tests, poll taxes, and the like became popular. Technically blacks should've been enfranchised by the 15th Amendment enacted in 1870. In fact, many blacks even held local office throughout the 1870s and 1880s. But then the racist Democrats started inventing ways to disenfranchise them at the voting booth. Another solution that would be acceptable to me is roll back to 1913 but add the Voting Rights Act of 1965. I didn't say every law that was passed since 1913 sucked (although I do wish the court system could've taken care of the unconstitutionality of certain disenfranchisement methods instead of needing a Voting Rights Act.) So, no big deal, we'll roll back BUT maintain the enfranchisement of blacks. And keep them off the dole. Blacks would be so much better off now, and so would racial relations.
  15. Yeah, although now that I think about it, just rolling back the body of law to 1913 should probably take care of the cultural issues that developed as well. I think the entitlement mindset, the envy mindset, the breakdown of the black family, among many other things, were heavily influenced by disastrous progressive policies implemented.
  16. Culturally, I'd like to roll back to the 1950s. The body of law, I'd like to roll back to about 1913, before the introduction of the income tax and all the entitlement programs that came after.
  17. lol, idiot. Also, I guess John Oliver's show can't be compared to Stewart's because usually HBO shows movies
  18. Which comparison was wrong? Ice Road Truckers to other reality tv shows? Gutfeld's show to Stewart's show?
  19. What? Is Ice Road Truckers (History Channel) not a reality tv show just because it doesn't appear on TruTV (which specializes in reality tv)? Greg Gutfeld actually does host a comedic propaganda show on Fox News. His show and Stewart's show are the same besides which side they're advocating for.
  20. I know, right? And let's say it would've taken X more unborn Dems to be murdered to prevent Obama from becoming president. And let's set Y = Christians and other innocents ISIS has killed + deaths resulting from 150 billion dollars given to Iran to fund terrorism + people killed when Iran sets off a nuclear bomb If Y > X, it could be argued that it would've been worth it to murder X
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