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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. this scrimmage offensively is pointless. they need to mix it up. go 1st team O vs 3rd team D. get these guys some reps
  2. Rex encourages his QBs to run. He was on EJ for running more. So, with the pocket collapsing all over the place, if Tyrod can make some gains with his legs, that should satisfy both Rex and me, really.
  3. Don't you need to get back to the really long, boring, unnecessary discussion about whether Jon Stewart is a dishonest newsman? Lol, we have all complained about the media for ages. Jon Stewart, Katie Couric, Candy Crowley, whomever. To me, it'd be funny if THIS is how Trump finally loses poll support. He doesn't lose it because he's asked a bunch of great policy questions and is dissected on rebuttal by alleged big-brained policy guru Jeb Bush. Instead, Trump loses because of cries of "sexist!" and faux-outrage over an alleged menstruation joke, tactics borrowed from the Left. LOL, what a tool that Red State guy is.
  4. Despite the online polls, I do expect Trump to take a hit in the real polling later. The RedState dis-invite might actually save him a bit. The establishment should've just been satisfied with the Trump vs Kelly squabble stealing his momentum. But now the dis-invite maybe looks like a conspiracy against him and reminds people that he's an outsider. Still, I think a small hit in the polls is a good guess. Agreed. They're awesome. Even if you dislike Trump, you had 9 other candidates acting un-Trump-like and getting exposure to 24 million people, which is probably at least triple the amount of viewers who would've watched without Trump. It is hard to spin that debate as anything but positive for the GOP.
  5. Yes, and that chick in the video came out and defended Trump right away. Funny how people who know him well love the guy, even ex-wives. Like I said, if it ever becomes a Trump vs Hillary battle, I will bet on Trump and you guys can steal my money by taking the other side if you are so sure he would lose. But he's such a longshot to win the nomination anyway that it's not even worth discussing or trying to figure out which Republican candidate would most appease the left. It will most likely be Jeb vs Hillary. Still.
  6. Well, yeah. But, for today, I kinda like these two better:
  7. First of all, only nominating Carly would stop the sexist attacks. That's what the Left do -- they call you sexist, racist, intolerant, homophobic, yada yada yada, no matter who the candidate is. Jeb himself got into trouble a couple days ago didn't he? Something about not wanting to spend money on women's health. Obviously he meant not spending money on Planned Parenthood, but the accusations of sexism came anyway, right? Nobody with a penis is going to be exempt. Besides: http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/250611-apprentice-contestant-doesnt-remember-trumps-on-your-knees Here's the left attacking Jeb about not supporting women's health. It's going to happen to everyone. http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/08/04/jeb-bush-suggests-womens-health-issues-are-overfunded/ http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/jeb-bush-continues-stumble-womens-health http://thinkprogress.org/election/2015/08/05/3688257/jeb-bush-womens-issues-not-so-far-off/ Tons more articles online.
  8. This is all kabuki theater, imo. Schumer knows with certainty the 67 votes aren't there, so he asked permission from Obama to do vote against it. Obama lashing out is just part of the charade.
  9. For all you know, I'm a Saudi woman
  10. 24 million people watched. The most-watched non-sports cable program of all time: http://edit.adweek.com/tvnewser/fox-news-has-most-watched-primary-debate-ever-24-million-tune-in/269157 Trump is great for the Republican party.
  11. Comedy and news don't have to be mutually exclusive. The Daily Show was a comedic news show under Stewart. (Now it'll become a canceled comedic news show under the new guy). This is a really silly semantic argument. Very much like saying Islam is a religion of peace, therefore the 9/11 terrorists weren't Islamic.
  12. Well, I knew you would like him. Who are your other favorites - Jeb, Rubio, and Christie? My top 4 as of right now are Trump, Cruz, Fiorina, Carson Fiorina will probably join the top 10. She'll stay in my good graces if she doesn't play the sexist card against Trump (or any candidate, really).
  13. liberals have been telling me for a couple of years now how great Kasich is. so that's one candidate I already scratched off the list before all of this began i did enjoy when he begged Donald for money, though
  14. not sure, but I saw a bunch of women calling out megyn on facebook for her lib tactics
  15. Check out the comments on Megyn Kelly's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MegynKelly/videos/vb.1425464424382692/1599387310323735/?type=2&theater
  16. any applause or laughter is good, considering they began the night booing him on the 3rd party question... a pro-kasich crowd isn't going to be a pro-trump crowd Carson's been outstanding.
  17. we need proof that Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob? it's okay to be tough on him (i think they've been totally fair to call him out on his previous liberal stances and alliances, for example) but don't use lib tactics, e.g. "war on women" it's called a flat tax, and it would be much better than what we have. and you save money on IRS bureaucrats and buildings, too wishful thinking. check out Drudge poll Trump's doing fine. I think Rand Paul hasn't come off well. Not necessarily his policy statements, but he just seems like a douche. Didn't know that about him.
  18. I thought he handled it well, btw, with the Rosie O'Donnell reference Let's talk policy now, idiot moderators
  19. lol, as predicted, Fox out to get Trump. first, raising the 3rd party issue to begin the debate. then, Kelly using lib tactics by calling Trump sexist.
  20. Jeb wearing lifts in his shoes and his forehead. Kasich, with homefield advantage, will be establishment attack dog against Trump
  21. The Clintons will be hoisted by their own petard (if you even believe that story with anonymous sources). If Trump wins the nomination, he will beat Hillary. I'll even put money on it if that time comes. But like I said, that's so far away. Trump's greatest threat is still Jeb and the evil establishment. It would be a historical upset if Trump can overcome the odds.
  22. Prepare to be surprised. I would be surprised if Fox even brings up trade, but if they do, Trump's answer will be better than Jeb's. Just watch. I've got my popcorn ready. If Fox keeps it fair, your boy Jeb will be smoked tonight.
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