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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3202153/Donald-Trump-AMAZING-bed-claims-former-Penthouse-Pet-presidential-hopeful-secretary-track-spotting-sexy-magazine-spread.html 'Donald Trump was AMAZING in bed': Former Penthouse Pet reveals the presidential hopeful had his secretary track her down after spotting her in a sexy magazine spread... and he didn't disappoint lol, that line is how to spot libs these days.
  2. Don't allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. BTW, has anyone noticed that Jeb now has favorable/unfavorable numbers that are as bad as Trump's? The establishment really needs to find an alternative and stop shoving Jeb down our throats.
  3. Oh yes, we all agree the immigration system needs to be fixed. We just differ on the fix. Trump's idea of hitting the pause button on immigration - legal and illegal - is my cup of tea. This would be similar to the restricted immigration from the country employed from 1925 to 1965. Right now we need to get the citizens already here back to work. Boost that labor participation rate. And while we do that, all the libertarians here can try to win over the Hispanic vote with your appeal to lowering the capital gains tax and some vague notion of less government. We'll see how successful you are versus the progressive messaging. But just in case you can't win them over, hitting the pause button will at least delay this country's collapse for a few more decades.
  4. Your 1 through 5 is reasonable and not much different from how Donald wants to implement. Notice how the decline in those numbers happened anyway despite nominating mushy moderates. Like I said elsewhere, the GOP will not win a battle of identity politics with the liberals. The GOP can't win over Hispanics. Incidentally, even if Romney had won 70% of the Hispanic vote, he still would've lost. What the GOP needs to do is appeal more to whites. Trump's policies accomplish that, I believe.
  5. Correct. The true barriers to repealing birthright citizenship are: (1) Congress working against President Trump and not modifying the law. The RINOs in Congress like Boehner and McConnell are owned by big business and will get paid off to vote against it. (2) John Roberts. Even if President Trump can get Congress to repeal, eventually it'll find its way to the Supreme Court, and I don't trust John Roberts to see it Trump's way. Incidentally, the only developed countries to grant birthright citizenship are the U.S. and Canada: https://www.numbersusa.com/content/learn/issues/birthright-citizenship/nations-granting-birthright-citizenship.html Australia repealed in 2007. France repealed in 1993, the UK in 1983. It would be a wonderful day for this country if the USA repealed it in 2017.
  6. Trump's Immigration Plan: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/immigration-reform
  7. Hillary's money and the Democrat establishment will run all over him. Tell your dad to support Trump.
  8. I like what you're trying to do here. At the same time, you have to do something to account for this: a) 20 rushes for 100 yards b) 20 passing attempts for 120 yards which is better? in your system, B would win
  9. Yeah, if Tyrod looks good in Week 2, he should start Week 3 of preseason, too. Teams still consider Week 3 to be the most important of the preseason games right? Our starter should start Week 3
  10. None of these three guys are ever going to be convincing. If that's what you're waiting for, you're going to be disappointed.
  11. Beggars can't be choosers. If the alternative is Cassell or EJ, who cares? I'd rather see Tyrod.
  12. I don't understand. The cops had guns right? Just shoot the protestors.
  13. The calm, cool businessman in Trump has displayed itself twice in recent days. Once, with the first question of the debate. Trump was put on the spot right away but maintained his cool and raised his hand to keep his 3rd-party leverage, despite massive peer pressure and crowd pressure to pledge allegiance to the Republican party. Then, after the debate, Trump started only giving interviews to rival networks and shut out FNC. The 24 million viewers of the debate was his leverage, and it was only a matter of time before Roger Ailes had to call him up and make nice with Trump so that Trump would return to his network. Hannity and Fox & Friends will now benefit from Trump's occasional presence.
  14. Sadly, I agree. I think the RNC needs to examine whether Jeb Bush is really electable in the general. Has the establishment and the donors mis-calculated?
  15. I agree, especially your last line. Worst-case scenario, Trump is a William Wallace who will motivate some Robert the Bruce to fight. (yes, I know Braveheart was essentially fiction). Unfortunately, none of the others you mentioned stand a chance against Jeb's money and infrastructure long-term. The Trump supporters have decided that Trump's our best chance to defeat Jeb. I still don't expect to win, but I'll enjoy the ride. Amazingly a pro-Hillary blog is one of the few political blogs that has figured out the establishment has rigged things for Jeb.
  16. http://morningconsult.com/2015/08/trumps-lead-grows-after-debate-controversy/ Still not a major poll, but I'm starting to believe it's possible Donald did no damage to his campaign. Also, this article: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/08/donald-trump-and-roger-ailes-make-up-for-now.html Use your leverage, Donald! Best negotiator in the history of the universe!!!
  17. lol, it's a SurveyMonkey poll. I do believe Trump is still the leader, but that poll is not accurate. Cruz at 2, Carson at 3, Carly at 4?
  18. Preach, brother. I think you and I are on the same wavelength. I said a prayer for Donald in church this morning to win the presidency. He's the only one with a chance -- it may not even be that great a chance, but still a chance -- to save this country.
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