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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. No kidding, because Hispanics prefer leftist policies. For the most part, you have cause-and-effect backwards. California used to be a red state. Import too many Hispanics, and now it's a lock for the Dems. Most Latin American countries are leftist. That's what they're used to.
  2. Live stream for tonight's Donald rally in Mobile: http://www.shallownation.com/2015/08/20/video-donald-trump-speech-at-mobile-alabama-pep-rally-friday-august-21-2015/ Oh, who am I kidding? I'm sure all the networks will have it. He's going to fill up the Senior Bowl 8pm ET
  3. If it makes you feel better, so is Jeb.
  4. I'm supporting the candidate who is honest about cronyism and is now campaigning for office without accepting bribes. You've moved onto Rubio apparently, but you don't get it, your candidate isn't really Rubio. It's Sheldon Adelson. Rubio is Adelson's biotch. BTW, anyone who likes to gamble on the internet needs to be against Rubio. Adelson will make sure that Rubio bans internet gambling.
  5. Actually, cronyism goes hand-in-hand with socialism. You can't get anything done unless you're connected with (i.e. bribed) government officials. Dummy.
  6. It would take a 1st-rounder to nab him, anyway. He's clearly superior to any QB on the roster.
  7. If fooling the Colts is important, EJ should start next week. I mean, if Tyrod comes out there with the first team next week, the jig is up.
  8. Dude, you're even more racist than me. Trust me, that's a big deal. Tyrod should start.
  9. God drafted for me. I'm sure my team will rock. Just so you guys know, every time my team of players I own defeats your team of players you own, I will be celebrating like this: There you go! There you go!
  10. Rasmussen poll: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/immigration/august_2015/voters_want_to_build_a_wall_deport_felon_illegal_immigrants Looks like Donald has a winning issue
  11. Ah, I misunderstood. In that case, I agree. As for Trump running 3rd-party, the impact is probably overblown, imo. If Trump sits out, I don't think Jeb can capture enough of the Trump vote to win in the general, anyway. If the GOP is serious about winning the election, they need to kick Jeb to the curb first and foremost.
  12. I agree. I'm actually with the liberals on this one. I wish the Citizens United decision had gone the other way. Not sure what to do now. Put a cap on Super-PAC spending?
  13. Pinning down Trump's support is tough. If you look at polling, he has broad appeal across all divisions - conservative Republicans, moderate Republicans, old, young, male, female.
  14. Hardly, that's why I said "lol". I was laughing at you.
  15. He's the one candidate combatting that, actually. Everyone else relies on big donors. lol, you have no clue about his supporters. Neocons hate Trump and we hate neocons. Some of us are socially conservative, true, but Carson and Huckabee grab more of those.
  16. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/18/phyllis-schlafly-disqualify-marco-rubio-for-lying-about-amnesty-in-spanish/ PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY: DISQUALIFY MARCO RUBIO FOR LYING ABOUT AMNESTY IN SPANISH
  17. Notice how Trump beats her in Florida but loses in the other two states. Hispanics love Trump!
  18. I'll take that as a yes. 2 bettors against me = potential $100 loss by me if unelectable Trump can't beat the Democratic nominee
  19. Right. But juuuuust in case he gets nominated, don't you want to win an easy $50 from me since Trump is an unelectable buffoon?
  20. Of course we can judge him. No excuses. And I've been rooting for Tyrod for months now.
  21. Good man. Willing to show courage in your "convictions." LABillz - The libs would destroy Trump with "on your knees" ads, right? Take the bet! GG - Trump is the greatest gift to the Dems, right? Take the bet!
  22. I propose a bet. IF Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, he will also win the presidency. You would take the other side and bet that he would lose. Let's make the stakes $50 by PayPal. Agreed? Obviously the bet only activates if Trump wins the nomination. And this offer goes out to every poster on this board who has been posting for a long time on TBD. (Say, a couple thousand posts at least.) I want you guys to agree to the bet now because by next summer, it might become obvious that he's the favorite. I'm obviously crazy so take the bet.
  23. Kasich doesn't "have convictions"; almost no politician does. What he has is an election strategy. He wants to position himself as the most moderate candidate and as the backup plan to Jeb (if Jeb continues to decline in favorability) and inherit Jeb's donors and establishment backing. I think Kasich has a better chance of pulling this off than Hunstman, but it's still unlikely. Besides, "convictions" aren't important. If Kasich had the conviction to molest children and didn't back off that stance despite fierce criticism, apparently you would love him. Kasich is a big-government liberal who talks like it. That's why the Left loves him.
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