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Posts posted by Ozymandius

  1. What's more likely? Someone that retarded is able to pull that off, or there are two that retarded?


    What's retarded?


    Gun violence, like sickle cell anemia, is largely endemic to one segment of the population.


    If people really want to do something about gun violence --if anything can even be done-- that fact has to be confronted.

    You're a full on retarded loon. No wonder you swoon over trump


    Feeling left out?


    Don't worry. Under Emperor Trump's reign, neocons actually go into the oven BEFORE the progressives.


    No more fighting wars for Israel, GG.


    It's over.

  2. absolutely. smarter by far than anyone that's ever darkened these threads.


    romney is also very bright. top 5% of his very select biz school class is the stat i've seen. i doubt trump was anywhere near that.

    hmmm, are you one of the 46% of white male repugs with high school or less education that support the donald? pretty amazing stat isn't it? talk about irony. fortunately, there's no way in hell you win in this scenario even in the highly unlikely event that trump actually wins.


    lol, you don't even understand what's happening this election cycle. you're so sheltered in your progressive echo chamber that you actually think this board is full of right-wingers. lol.

  3. . What's more condescending? Someone who likely never achieved academic distinction or performed any of the acts you cite Questioning the credentials of someone that actually has or the converse situation?


    Oh and being in the top 15percent of an already elite little pool is a pretty heft achievement. I ask again, is it something you've accomplished?


    lol, none of that is going to matter when I or someone like me puts you in an oven, per Emperor Trump's orders


    You're wrong about every single point here yet you put it forth with such bluster. You're a mudslinger with nothing more, no intellectual curiosity to honestly debate a worthy issue (I put "worthy" in here because it's subjective and I know you'd love to argue with me about it!) You have the same capacity for social/political dialogue as a dog. All bark and no bite, too. Well that's vintage DC Tom for you. Never change, DC Tom.


    That is a dumb decision to arrive to considering gun control has never been seriously attempted in America. It's sheer self-indulgence to assume you know the outcome to something that's never been attempted.


    We've never attempted deporting people back to Africa, either.


    Of the two solutions, mine actually has a chance of lowering gun violence rates in this country.

  5. I'm not buying the warnings either. Case in point, the senseless murders of the parachuted pilots. There's more to this story.


    This is all about Assad, imo. Russia was laying waste to "moderates" like ISIS / al Nusra who were fighting Assad.


    After the Paris terrorist attacks, France was calling on NATO countries to help back Russia against ISIS.


    By ordering Erdogan to attack Russia, this drives a wedge between NATO and Russia.


    Obama doesn't want to fight ISIS and other "moderates." ISIS is his tool to fight Assad in Syria.

  6. In my thinking, it's possible Turkey did this on purpose. If that's the case, we should rightly leave them hanging out to dry.


    Erdogan would not have attacked freaking Russia unless he had Obama's approval beforehand.


    You don't go poking a bully unless you first know your bigger bully friend has your back.

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