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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. what about face? reading comprehension, fool. I said in the original post that many middle and working class Dems would vote for Trump. what's going to maybe save Hillary is that a bunch of cuckservatives will vote for her instead of Trump. I'm talking people like Magox, GG, TYTT, meazza. If the GOP actually had party discipline this time around (regardless of who is nominated), the GOP candidate would wipe the floor with Hillary. The way Huma wipes her snatch on Hillary's face. Unfortunately, the party discipline will be lacking on both ends. If Trump wins, cuckservatives will go Hillary. If Rubio wins, Trump voter will write-in Trump.
  2. turddog just doesn't know any Dems that haven't read the classics. After Trump wins Iowa and New Hampshire, the exit polls will show plenty of working and middle class Dems voting for Trump. It will actually spark a bit of panic and debate in the mainstream media. Are these Dems trying to rig the general by promoting the "easier candidate to beat" in Trump? Or are they legitimate crossover voters?
  3. I agree. The establishment are basically upper middle and above professionals. I think the Dems are going to be shocked by how many people they previously considered to be enemies will be supporting Hillary. National Review will end up endorsing Hillary. George Will and Krauthammer will endorse Hillary on air on Fox News. That's the realignment. Wall St Journal will endorse Hillary. That obviously will only surprise Democrats. Hillary is as whored out to Wall St as any Republican.
  4. Lots of middle and working class Democrats will be voting for Trump. It would usually mean a landslide, but unfortunately one thing I didn't anticipate and factor in was that establishment Republicans will be voting for Hillary. So, the general election is up in the air. Also, the GOP still has many ways to deny Trump the nomination. Regardless of whether Trump becomes president, the realignment of the American electorate will stick. From the foreseeable future, it will be: (A) Upper Middle Class And Above + Lower Class + Non-Whites Across All Classes Versus (B) Middle Class / Working Class Whites
  5. National Strengthen & Defibrillate America Party
  6. Dude, can you stop pretending that PPP is full of Trump supporters? I don't like most of them either, but I can at least be honest about what they represent. You're a dishonest idiot.
  7. I could still be an idiot but it should hopefully never be from thinking I am perfect
  8. Oops, you're right. Cross that site off my reading list. Seems to be a heavily pro-Palestine site.
  9. http://972mag.com/trump-is-no-more-racist-than-mainstream-israeli-policy/114613/ Trump is no more racist than mainstream Israeli policyIsraeli politicians are joining the global pushback against Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim racism. But guess what other country bans Muslim immigration? [insert "It's not the same. Muslims hate Jews but not Americans" argument here]
  10. http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/alexa-moutevelis-coombs/2015/12/10/south-park-gun-episode-liberals-didnt-want-see -Jimmy: What happened to you, Nathan? I always thought you were a nice kid. Now you've got a gun? -Nathan: Oh, everyone's getting one of these now, Jim. Nobody knows who to trust. -Jimmy: Yeah? Well, guns are never the answer. -Nathan: Don't you kind of wish you'd had one back when Leslie betrayed you and nearly beat you to death? -Jimmy: Oh. I guess it would have been a decent answer then. T-t-t-touché. - See more at: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/alexa-moutevelis-coombs/2015/12/10/south-park-gun-episode-liberals-didnt-want-see#sthash.pCb4IVTn.dpuf
  11. Anyone here follow Stefan Molyneaux? I'm not libertarian but I do respect his brand of AnCap / Right-Libertarianism and, well, common sense.
  12. https://i.imgur.com/ew2hAWe.jpg
  13. Poll: Majority of Republicans support Trump's Muslim ban http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/262656-poll-majority-of-republicans-support-trumps-muslim-ban
  14. https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TrumpIsDisqualifiedParty&src=tyah http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-prez-trump-disqualified-party-twitter-20151208-htmlstory.html Twitter celebrates #TrumpisDisqualifiedParty, is crushed to discover it's not real
  15. https://app.bingpulse.com/msnbcdayside/daypulse lol, stupid progressive whites
  16. The exact quote from the SJW bystander was "You Ain't No Muslim, Bruv" and now it's trending
  17. For me, I'm hoping that Trump is a fascist. He can't come right out and run as a fascist, of course, but I am intrigued that he's doing so much to kiss up to veterans and the military. Fingers crossed, but I think it's possible if he were elected President, he would have the military cross the Potomac, march on DC and slaughter all of Congress and the Supreme Court. However, if I were to answer your question like a normie, I would say that most people don't really care about experience. It ranks maybe 15th on my list. Many who post on this board would surely vote for Rubio ahead of the much more experienced Sanders, of course. Also, one could argue that Trump's executive experience is better preparation for the executive position of presidency than being a senator.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbZXfpKJun0
  19. No, they're not. Plus, it's not a left vs right thing. It's a whoever is in control of power thing. Right now, the left is in control. (I don't mean just the presidency, of course). The left is the establishment, and the establishment always seeks to squash dissenters. Speak against trannies or gay marriage or black crime on facebook, and you will get fired. Praise those things, and you get praised.
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