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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. "Parts of"? Lol. Don't click on this link unless you've seen the movie:
  2. He's a solid #2 to Trump, the only possible compromise candidate. Trump should nominate him for SCOTUS
  3. *Gasp*, how dare you smear an entire demographic, GG! Wow, just wow. it's 2015! And almost 2016! Those are not our country's values.
  4. And he's definitely not. What, he's gonna give up bacon?
  5. Donald Trump has said that he would "get along very well" with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Apparently, the feeling is mutual. Putin offered high praise for the billionaire businessman turned Republican presidential front-runner on Thursday during an annual news conference with reporters. "He is a bright and talented person without any doubt," Putin said, adding that Trump is "an outstanding and talented personality." And in remarks closely mirroring Trump's own assessment of the race, Putin also offered his assessment of the U.S. presidential campaign, calling Trump "the absolute leader of the presidential race," http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/17/politics/russia-putin-trump/
  6. It's going to suck for everyone, not just me. Even the "people of color" will eventually will be sick of immigration. For example, I'm sure all the Somalis in Minnesota would be scared to death of a USA that is 100% Somali. For this country to function properly, we need a much higher white demographic than we have now, which is 60% white. Anyhow, I have an exit plan as the USA continues to commit suicide with immigration. It's really the conservatives who will suffer the most as they continue to import "natural conservatives" that always vote Democrat. I'm outta here, son. lol, the lower class does not support Trump. If you drive through a trailer park, you will see lots of Bernie Sanders signs. It's working-class and middle-class whites that adore Trump.
  7. Enrique Marquez, the neighbor who bought the guns, converted to Islam. Wasn't sure whether you guys were aware of that. Catching up with this thread just now. Seems like a lot more meaningless blather. The only two important posts in this thread were my two graphics showing the demographics of who really is committing gun violence. When liberals dream about gun control, they imagine a huge line of middle-class white men going to the government to hand in their rifles. Basically the demographic that almost never commits gun violence. Lol. The whole gun control debate is absurd.
  8. Oh GG, the oven is going to be so warm and cozy for you. When Emperor Trump releases his mass proscription list, I'll make sure you're on it.
  9. Well, I'm not a conservative. In general, I think conservatives take too much pride in calling themselves conservative. (What have you guys been able to conserve in the past 20 years? Fiscally? Socially? What have you conserved?) I'm voting for Trump because his policies most align with my views on foreign policy, immigration, border security, and trade.
  10. Oh, I'm voting for Trump regardless, but my sense of it is that other Trump supporters would, in the end, be willing to go for Cruz. He's been kissing Trump's butt for months now.
  11. Cruz is the only possible compromise candidate. Everyone understands that now, right? Not Rubio, not Christie, and obviously not Jeb. Only those 5 candidates are even above 0% in the prediction markets right now: http://predictwise.com/politics/2016-president-republican-nomination/ (Carson is 0%, too, in case you're wondering.)
  12. You shouldn't call immigrants "mongrel hordes", TYTT. Those are not our country's values and certainly not the values of the Republican Party. Also, lighten up. A great joke from a great movie. Enjoy.
  13. Do not blast the volume at work:
  14. Where's the blame for Obama? Where's the blame for Hillary? This pic was meant for the Stars Wars thread but might as well go here: McCain! Damn you, McCain!
  15. lol Peggy Noonan uses "cuckservative" on CNN:
  16. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/boycott-star-wars-vii-movement-833102 "Boycott 'Star Wars VII'" Movement Launched; Movie Called "Anti-White"
  17. He has great genes. Need some of that in the White House
  18. I have a better "progressives are crazy" link here: http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2015-10-05-a-violent-attack-made-me-confront-my-white-privilege/#.Vm8kQ2SDFHy Not that we're competing. Lots to go around.
  19. LOL at this thread. Blaming McCain but not Obama for Syria. No mention of Obama/Hillary's intervention in Libya. Even when making reasonable criticisms of foreign policy, leftists can't bring themselves to say anything bad about the black and the chick. It's ALL on the (much less powerful, in this case) white guy. Affirmative action can't work in this world. Neo-cohens
  20. lol, i could brag all day about being in Mensa, but nobody would respect it without proof. you're 0-for-1 in reading comprehension today. that's all i know.
  21. still don't see the about face. whatever, who cares. you're the type of person if you made a reading comprehension mistake wouldn't admit it.
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