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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. Sounds like freedom of association to me. A constitutional conservative like Trump cherishes that freedom.
  2. Stop being such a patronizing SJW. I'm sure Justice can handle himself just fine on internet message boards without you looking out for him.
  3. Justice, have you seen the Corbett Report stuff on youtube about 9/11 - https://www.youtube.com/user/corbettreport/search?query=9%2F11 Lots of interesting videos there
  4. Cruz can compete in the swing states if he has the Trump/Sessions endorsement. In 2012, the turnout level for uneducated whites was only 57%. Educated whites turned out at 77%. Back in the 80s, uneducated whites had turnout rates > 70%, similar to their educated counterparts. It's just that over the years since then, both the Dems and the GOP have abandoned that demographic. They re-emerged this cycle thanks to Trump. Rubio and Kasich can't win. As stated before, you'll have a lot of angry Cruz and Trump supporters if their candidates have the most delegates but Rubio or Kasich become the nominee. The Republican coalition is fractured. You have to think in terms of which candidate has the best chance of bringing it all together for the general. The answer is Cruz.
  5. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it
  6. All this is true. Except, I suspect most Trump voters would be able to put aside their cynicism on voting day to cast a vote for Cruz. Especially if he gets Trump's endorsement because of the Sessions connection. Cruz is probably the only way the GOP can win this cycle.
  7. Yep, if Trump and Cruz head to the convention with the most delegates and yet Romney, Ryan, Rubio, or Kasich emerge as the nominee, there will be hell to pay.
  8. Coalitions always look strong until the betrayal occurs.
  9. Cruz could actually get a Trump endorsement via the Jeff Sessions connection. I can't imagine Trump/Sessions would endorse the traitor Rubio. Cruz would motivate the base, the mainstream/establishment voters would even support him (because at least he's not Trump), AND he's the one guy who could conceivably get a heartfelt Trump/Sessions endorsement. Basically, Cruz could keep Romney's coalition, but then ADD ON a motivated base and new white working class voters via Trump. He would beat Hillary like a drum with that coalition. He's always been the right compromise candidate for many months now. If the GOP instead performs the convention steal to nominate Romney, Ryan, or Rubio, it's over for them as a Party.
  10. He's certainly the odds-on favorite but probably no more than a 65-70% chance, according to political betting sites. Which means there's still a 30-35% chance for a convention steal. He can basically lock it up by sweeping Florida and Ohio on March 15. Let's see what happens. I'm expecting a split.
  11. He will not run as an independent just to finish third, and he'd have to spend money to do so. Then, there's ballot access issues and sore loser laws. It's an empty threat. Which is why he was forced to sign the pledge in the first place. If the GOP manages to do the convention steal, he'll just make the rounds on cable news, whining about the steal, making fun of Romney (or Ryan, whoever the nominee is) and Hillary and hawking a book about his campaign. I assume there's some famous author embedded and writing a book.
  12. The SS guy actually showed restraint. When that idiot got up and put his hand around SS's neck, that arm should've been broken off.
  13. He's gonna save the white race
  14. This isn't the real Pope anyway. Nothing after Vatican II is valid. Freemasons/Zionists took over right around then. The only true Catholicism is the one that Mel Gibson worships and similar.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAZfJJNXyqU
  16. Microsoft cheated. Open borders Bill Gates gave the go-ahead to give Trump votes to Rubio.
  17. That would definitely be interesting. He'd probably be right. I don't trust Microsoft. Election software should be open-source. If turnout is high but Hilldog wins, you'll know Bill Gates did a favor for the Clinton dynasty.
  18. I got Trump and Sanders as well. High turnout means I'm right. Low turnout means I'm wrong.
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