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Posts posted by Ozymandius

  1. so you think the pats are comfortable with brady's cap number next year and won't make an effort to reduce it? if he refuses, you don't think that will have a significant impact on the roster?


    p.s. love the new avatar -- what happened to willis anyway?



    if Brady's cap number is a problem, they'll give him a new signing bonus (aka restructuring), boom, it's done

  2. i do ,5000 on final score and it is foot ball



    did you bet on the o/u?


    I'm still surprised that the majority of bets have been placed on the over of 47/48.... this should be a defensive game.


    Even if the Patriots blow out the Eagles, it'll be because Corey Dillon ran the ball 30 times down their throat, killing the clock and shortening the game.


    The under seems like easy money to me.

  3. I gotta add my vote for Super Tecmo Bowl....the greatest football game I've ever played.


    Bo Jackson was a personal favorite.  Together with Marcus Allen, they were unstoppable.



    Bo was great, of course, especially in the playoffs when all your opposing running backs seemed to get a speed boost and you couldn't catch them from behind.


    But I was also very afraid of Christian Okoye because I usually tried to play with the bad teams like Indy and New England and their defenses had low hitting power. So a RB like Okoye with high hitting power would just run over my defenders if I couldn't personally get there in time to make a play.

  4. Hall of fame? ha ha


    -->I<-- am a better QB than Drew Bledsoe. You might think I'm kidding but I'm not. I really believe this. I mean, I may have been third string in high school, but I could always throw the short passes with touch I thought. And with better accuracy than Drew for sure.


    Let's say the Bills are down by two and need to drive for the win. With Drew at the helm, he's doomed to get sacked and fumble or, if we're lucky, just sacked or he throws 4 straight incompletions (maybe the 4th one is picked off). Put me at the helm and run a couple of screens. I promise I'll get the ball off in time and with the proper arc, direction, and touch.


    We probably wouldn't score, of course, after all I'm a security analyst, not a QB. But I do think I'd move the ball a bit better than Drew. But that's just me.

  5. I have a friend from H.S. who lives far away who I only see a couple times a year; and we hook up the old NES about once per year. 

    Mike Tyson's punch-out and Ice Hockey are just incredible games.  In fact, I had always heard of people beating Tyson and just assumed they were all lying.  I never saw it with my own 2 eyes until a couple of years ago - about 15 years after I stopped playing the game.  It wasn't quite the Bills winning the SB, but a thrill I never expected to see in my lifetime nevertheless. 

    Ice Hockey was a fine art as well.  Picking the right mix of fat/skinny/medium guys required a high level of expertise.

    And yes, I'm 24 years old in case you were wondering.



    Beating Tyson was pretty much luck because unlike all the other boxers, he only had one discernible pattern. Most of his punches were thrown randomly. Even the very best players couldn't beat Tyson every time out because of this.

  6. One other thing about Nugent that I haven't seen mentioned yet is that he was the first kicker at Ohio State to ever be named team MVP (I suspect that would also be true of many schools). Usually the team MVP is something voted on by teammates and coaches. Think about how good this guy really must be to be that respected. He's a freaking kicker.


    That's the difference between Nugent and Janikowski. The latter had the leg but everyone knew he was a knucklehead in college. There's always a huge bust potential when a player isn't as dedicated as he could be. Nugent, in addition to the leg, is accurate, a good guy in the locker room, and routinely kicked in cold weather in low scoring, high pressure, smashmouth Big 10 football games.

  7. Your post got me to thinking, how did Reed, Vinitieri and Feeley enter the league.  I did some checking.  Reed was an undrafted rookie free agent signing for Pittsburgh.  Vinatieri was an undrafted rookie free agent signing by the Patriots.  Jay Feely was a free agent signing by the Falcons after he had been out of college for three years.  I have nothing against Nugent.  The point I would make is that many top notch kickers in the NFL have a much more humble start than that of the Raiders' Janikowski.  I expect that Nugent will probably be a great NFL kicker.  However, an NFL team that does its homework can very likely get a very good, even a great kicker without paying nearly so high a price.  Teams don't find a lot of undrafted players who make a big impact on the offensive line (the Patriots being a notable exception).  It's rare to find an undrafted defensive end who is destined for greatness.  But, teams find undrafted kickers all the time. 



    Was the fact that these teams attained great kickers without using a draft pick the result of them doing their homework, though, or was it luck?


    I say it's luck. If New England or anyone really knew how good Viniatieri was when he came out of school, there's no way they wouldn't have spent a draft pick on him.


    We can't count on being as lucky. For one thing, we're the Buffalo Bills. We are not going to get that lucky.


    Let's take the sure thing (or as sure as a kicker out of college has ever been).

  8. I want to be able to watch a Bills game and not have negative thoughts about the kicker six or eight times a game. Every time we put together a good drive into enemy territory, I always find myself thinking, "gosh, I hope we score a TD, but if not, we better !@#$ing get closer than this because Lindell will miss otherwise." Every time we kick off, I think to myself, "okay here comes the short kick, no chance at a touchback, hope they don't bust one."


    I live in constant fear as a football fan because of this incompetent kicker. Rian Lindell, I hate your assface.

  9. Geesh...TD said from day one that he was going to try and keep the team competitive and rebuild on the fly.  Year 1 he purged the roster to fix the cap mess.  Year 2 he brought in DB who had a great start, kept the team competitive, but ultimately hit a wall.  TD also started to build the D into the unit it is today.  Year 3 we got our franchise RB and kept building the D.  Year 4, the franchise WR and QB.  And a competent coaching staff (I'll slam TD with the best of you over GW).


    TD's plan, I believe, was to have the pieces in place for a QB switch when the team had a good foundation in place, rather than throwing a young QB to the wolves before the supporting cast was ready (along the lines of what Pittsburgh did with Big Ben, and Cincy is doing with Palmer, and yes sports fans, the Pats did with TB).


    Again, the execution of the plan was undermined by GW's ineptitude and Drew's collapse.  But look where the team is positioned now, and tell me you're not excited about the future:


      1.)  Triplets QB-RB-WR

      2.)  #2 defense (statistically, I know...there' still room for improvement)

      3.)  One of the youngest teams in the league, who could potentially play together for a number of years.



    You're right that the team has potential. But at the same time, you're being far too kind to TD. If they miss the playoffs next year, it's 5 straight. How can anyone miss the playoffs 5 straight year given today's parity in the NFL?

  10. 10 TD's from ST's and Defense. We caught the scheduling break of a lifetime during that 6 game winning streak. Each of those bad teams were playing their worst football of the year.


    Then comes the Pittsburgh game, our 1st true test since the Pats wipeout on Sunday night football. Our playoff game against many 2nd, 3rd stringers. DB wasn't the sole reason we lost that game. The Defense had their issues. But he sure played terrible, with everything on the line.



    Exactly. Second half of the season we beat up on bad teams and failed our only true test. We became the kind of team I hate the most, one that picks on the scrubs but will come up short against good teams. I'd rather root for an 0-16 team than a bunch of choker sissies and that's what this team was. Drew was a huge part of that.

  11. Win a game by himself.  That is something he has NEVER done as a QB.  He has ALWAYS had a good team around him.  Manning, Vick, Culpepper, Farve, McNair and McNabb have all done this.  I challenge you to find a game where Brady put the team on his shoulders and carried them to victory without the defense making a big play or a miracle bounce.



    I'm not going to play a rigged game... how 'bout you list the games that Manning, Vick, etc have won by themselves first? What does that even mean? Did they throw the ball to themselves?

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