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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. yeah, that team was within 3 of the champs... Bills would've been rocked
  2. As for whether this or that woulda happened, I can't help it if you're a cynical person by nature. Personally, I choose to live life more positively and give others the benefit of the doubt, even complete strangers to me, and even if they're famous. Your knowledge of this situations seems to come completely secondhand from other malicious Carolina fans obfuscating the truth, and not from the memory of someone who actually followed what happened. Just so you know, Duke was 9-3 when K left (against a decent schedule), and considering that they had just made the championship game the season prior!, no one in their right mind expected that team to finish with a losing record. Gaudet took a 9-3 team and went 4-15 with them. No one had to "make him look like a fool." That remains the only Duke team of the past 20 years that didn't make the tournament. K meanwhile was hospitalized and immobile with back pain and exhaustion. It was doctor's orders -- take a leave, or risk further dangerous deterioration of health. But please continue to slander him. I don't care who or what you respect or don't respect. It's just that when I see lies (old lies) propagated about a man I DO respect, I feel the need to respond. BTW, notice how I've managed to keep Roy Williams out of the discussion. Here's a man who you could say lied to an entire state four years ago. Remember that day in Kansas, at that huge press conference at the football stadium where teary-eyed ol' Roy (who tends to be teary-eyed) promised the University and the State that he would stop the flirtations with UNC and remain a Jayhawk forever because Kansas was his family? Remember? Ooops. Didn't quite work out that way. If I were really cynical like you, I would even point out that he managed to stay at Kansas long enough just to see Hinrich and Collison through to graduation (and reap the Final Fours they brought) and then only jumped ship once UNC recruited the burgeoning and coveted athletic talents of Felton, McCants and May, giving him the most talented young team in the country at his disposal once he jumped. But see, I didn't bring ol' Roy up. I understand that sometimes people change their minds and while Roy did break a promise, he did not lie about his feelings that day (although I'd hate to try to convince a Kansan of that) There, in a nutshell, is the difference between a typical Duke fan and a typical Carolina fan. Duke fans remain classy even when discussing their rival while Carolina fans try to slander the rival's coach.
  3. agree, Raftery makes the game fun to watch, and Bilas provides the best analysis around
  4. i agree, wtf? here's another stat... coherency 0
  5. You really need me to explain this? Ok, I will. Because different organizations have different protocols for handling coaching absences. In the NFL, the assistant who steps in automatically gets outcomes credited to his record. Makes sense, there's nothing further to do. In the (typically) less efficient NCAA, the AD from the school has to submit a request for this to occur. Do you think K is the only coach who has ever missed time due to illness? Rick Majerus, for example, because of his girth and concomitant heart troubles, has missed portions of seasons. Every time this happened, his AD filed the request and Majerus never took credit for any games he didn't coach. Routine procedure when a coach is stricken with illness. And logical, too, since why the hell should coaches take credit for games they didn't coach? It's UNC Kool-Aid that has turned this into something evil that K did, and you've obviously drank it. Are you kidding me? -->I'm<-- rationalizing? Look at yourself and your brethren. You guys have watched K turn Duke into the #1 program in the country over the past 20 years, and your only way to deal with that reality is to slander him. "Yeah, he has 3 championships, BUT he's evil, see, because there was that one time he didn't take credit for games he didn't coach. Pure evil." BTW, I await evidence that Gaudet was embarassed for receiving credit for games he coached. Give it a rest and stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Anyway, here's to a good game on Wednesday. We're both Bills fans and that's something. Later.
  6. lol, there's just something funny about you talking to your high school students about bandwagon jumping... drugs, safe sex, bandwagon jumping...
  7. I agree, considering part of the Pats' gameplan had to have been "take away the sideline"
  8. I wish there really were a way to plug in other QB's into the Patriots sytem to see if they do as well. I bet they don't. Don't be so sure Peyton Manning would have 3 rings right now, much less the other QB's. Brady has very unique skills in his accuracy, mobility, and field vision.
  9. oh, I expect and hope to win. It's Duke-UNC, afterall. I don't play those silly games you mention. But the fact is, Duke has been better the past 6 years. It's about time UNC has a better team again. The pressure's on you guys, not us. The fact is, this is Roy's most talented team ever and they match up well against Duke. If we win, it'll be because we have better intangibles. oh, and "dook." how cute. Is there a UNC fan's handbook that you copy all your posts from?
  10. "his true character"? riiiight. that's the kind of mawkish nonsense that drives duke supporters up the wall. you guys have basically turned a routine, logical procedure into something evil just to impugn the character of a man that probably does more charity work than all the coaches in the ACC combined. Think about what you're saying. Let's say Mike Mularkey gets sick and Jerry Gray has to take over as head coach for a few games. Who's coaching record do the wins and losses go to during that interim period? Gray's, of course. There's not even a question about this, and yet in UNC circles, they've turned that routine, logical act into something it's not. BTW, he didn't even petition the NCAA, his AD did. K has won something like 700 games and lost something like 300. I don't think he gives a crap about 4 wins and 15 losses. It's ridiculous that the UNC fanbase thinks he does.
  11. btw, no more ridiculous than that hoary old chestnut about K faking his back injury to set up Gaudet for the fall I'm mean, but you guys are slanderous
  12. when I say comfortable, I mean they never seriously threatened Wake Forest. Wake jumped out to a lead and then held them at arm's length the rest of the way. they never made a single "and prosser calls a timeout as the Heels cut the lead to 4" type runs. It was striking to me because I (and most people) think UNC has easily the most talent in the country, and to lose relatively convincingly like that... it puts a question mark next to their heart. good point about the free throw shooting, though. And indeed Wake Forest is very good. as for coaching them to be chokers, call it what you want, but I have never seen Roy Williams build what I consider to be a tough team. He's had a lot of success, of course, but that's different from being able to build a champion. It's one thing to be able to surgically cut up an inferior team ( and no one does that better than UNC this year), but it's a whole 'nother ball of wax to be able to overcome adversity and win close games against elite competition. Again, look at the Colts for an example of someone who can blow out bad teams better than other people but who will come up small in a big game. I'm not saying UNC necessarily = the Colts. But, I have doubts about how tough they are. We'll find out a little bit more on Wednesday. Honestly, UNC should roll Duke because their biggest strength (transition offense) takes advantage of Duke's biggest weakness (transition defense... lack of depth tires them out and they can't run full speed the entire game).
  13. Who in their right mind would call Brady a statue? He's the most mobile QB in the league (Bill Walsh says this and I agree). He slides in the pocket so well. Mobility is more than just being black and being able to run. It's the instincts to set up your blocks and move subtlely to avoid getting sacked and buy more time.
  14. I did not forget that they've been blowing teams out.... I just don't care. UNC is a better team than Duke this year, no doubt. But the pressure is on UNC to win a championship, not compete against Duke. Duke has won a championship in the past decade. UNC hasn't. Roy has never won a championship. This is his most talented team ever, and by far the most talented team in the country. Oh yeah, there's a lot of pressure, and my point is, the fact that UNC has failed their two biggest tests so far could show that they're going to choke. I guess we'll find out.
  15. keep dreaming btw, this year's Carolina team is loaded, but they've failed their two toughest tests so far (playing without felton, and playing at Wake)... both those failures were comfortable wins for the opponents. point is, Roy once again may be coaching a team to become chokers. are the Heels college basketball's version of the Indianapolis Colts... we'll find out... personally, I would love to see an Illinois-UNC matchup... the Heels would be like a 3 pt favorite, and I would bet the house on the Illini
  16. great post, seriously
  17. first off, I'm a Bills fan, so you need to pay better attention. second, way to take things too literally. no, i did not poll anyone. but look around at all the headlines. dynasty, dynasty, dynasty. for as long as I can remember, when a team wins three, they're considered a dynasty. newspapers don't even have to come up with clever headlines. they just print the D word in giant font and that's that. if the bills won 3, we would want people to consider us a dynasty. so, work on your jealousy. it's unbecoming of a bills fan.
  18. dude's just trying to find a silver lining in the loss... good for him, and a great season by the eagles
  19. this thread is so silly... obviously the patriots have nowhere to go but down... "the clock is ticking"... way to go out on a freakin' limb The damage is done. 3 championships. They got the key number (e.g. no one considers the Broncos a dynasty b/c they won only 2). It's over. They're immortalized. The Patriots and their fans have won. Now let's hope JP Losman doesn't fall on his face.
  20. btw, right now the championships score is Coach K 3, Roy Williams nada and K is only a few years older than Roy. Roy has a lot of catching up to do.
  21. not tryinig to be mean, but a huge Duke fan would know that SheldEn Williams was a starter last year and a huge part of that team but he didn't play much against UConn because of foul trouble, not because he was some little utilized bench player.
  22. Moss doesn't scare me, what a prima donna... I'd gladly welcome Moss if it means Abraham is out of the division and not killing Losman
  23. 99% of the world agree they're a dynasty now... but you're welcome to think different, of course... honestly, no hard feelings
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