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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. I voted for Jerramy Stevens, but I was heavily swayed also by Seattle's punter.
  2. LOL, shut up you whiners. Steelers made the big plays. True, they didn't move the ball consistently, but they made executed long plays for touchdowns. It's 6 points either way.
  3. Good idea. I'm one of the few people who have suggested this in the past. Mike Williams is a dominant force when he engages people -- unfortunatley, people can run around him. If he were a DT, it'd actually be the opponent's JOB to engage with him. He'd dominate, imo. Bill Belichick switches players from offense to defense and vice versa ALL THE TIME with success. Unfortunately, we will never have a coach smart enough or creative enough to try the same. I'll say this. Mike Williams will be a better DT than Haloti Ngata.
  4. Does anyone just hate this Ngata guy like I do? I live in fear that we're going to draft this guy and he's going to turn out to be a fat bust.
  5. Here's the thing. What Bates is asking for is likely to be more than what Jauron is making, and that can't happen.
  6. Anything COULD happen, true. But what are the odds that our dream LT or our dream LDE would fall to us at pick 8? Pretty low, IMO. As Simon pointed out, only the Buffalo Bills could be "lucky" enough to pick eight in a draft with seven blue chippers. It sucks to be us sometimes.
  7. The perfect draft position would have us in position to draft either Mario Williams or Da Brick. As it stands right now, we have a shot at neither. Damn you Cincinnati.
  8. Thanks for the research and post, JDG. Much appreciated.
  9. Amen, brother. Look, I'm going to bi-ch about this hiring right now because I'm in the anger stage of grieving. I think this hire was stupid, I think it will not work out and we will be looking at a new coach in four or five years (yes, four or five because Marv will prove to be loyal to his friend). However, when the season starts, you will again find me supporting the Bills and holding out hope that Dick Jauron can turn it around. I just can't in good conscience be supportive of this hire as of right now. I am ANGRY.
  10. Jauron is NOT a notable defensive mind. He was Jacksonville's defensive coordinator from '95 to '98, years in which they ranked 28th, 19th, 15th, and 17th in points allowed ( http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/jaxindex.htm ). In '99, the year IMMEDIATELY AFTER Jauron left to become the Bears head coach, Jacksonville's defense jumped to #1 in the league. Now, let's continue following his career. He spent 5 years as head coach of the Bears beginning in '99, and in those 5 years, they ranked 21st, 20th, 1st, 25th, and 22nd in points allowed ( http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/chiindex.htm ). After being fired in 2004, he of course became Detroit's defensive coordinator for the past two seasons, where he led Detroit's defense to the 18th and 21st ranked defenses in the league ( http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/detindex.htm ). That is 11 years worth of data. Only ONCE in 11 years did Dick Jauron have a defense finish in the top half of the league in points allowed. Not only can you NOT say that Dick Jauron is a good defensive coach, you can make a pretty convincing argument that he is a piece of crap as a defensive coach.
  11. Good to see that you're not going to be anonymous about it, "bills_fan."
  12. Here's what I think. If you took Jauron's press conference transcript and gave it to a thousand of the country's leading psychologists for analysis, I bet you 90% of them would conclude the same thing. He's going to fail. He just reeks of loserdom. No confidence in himself.
  13. Sorry, but this post reads like gibberish. "Jauron buys into the philosophy of what Marv wants in his football organization. A Head Coach that will allow a concensus on the players and his assistants." What does this even mean? Don't ALL coaches receive input from their assistants? Are you trying to say that instead of making a decision himself, Jauron will put everything up for a vote, majority wins? How is that going to be successful? "Jauron buys into Marvs philosophy of the best players play and every position is opening to competetion and the best player will play regardless of there draft position or veteran status" Isn't that the basic philosophy of EVERY coach? "Marv wnats to coach again hes never given it up the desire to caoch again. Thus after listening to Jauron and rembering most of what levy has expresssed Marv is going to be part of the game planning suggesting to Jauron what he thinks he should do against his opponets." Having Marv meddle and your head coach be undermined and castrated is a GOOD thing?
  14. "Jauron is a smart defensive minded coach" No he's not. Prove it.
  15. http://www.firedickjauron.com That Lions fan doesn't seem to need the website anymore. Jauron's our problem now.
  16. Why couldn't we have waited until the playoffs were over and tried to hire Lebeau? Geez.
  17. I don't care that much, either. I just prefer players who shut up and play; none of the other QBs that year made it a point to compare themselves favorably to the others. I mean, if you think you deserve to get drafted higher, then go out and prove it; don't complain to the media. JP just seems to be an immature hothead and the rumors of his teammates hating him are disturbing. Actually, in the case of Mewelde Moore, is isn't a rumor.
  18. I expect humbleness, at least until you've proven something.
  19. Coming out of the draft, JP himself bragged that he was as good as Ben.
  20. "I just feel Jauron is fit for here and will be successful." Reasoning?
  21. No, the Bills shouldn't try to trade for him since he is actually no where near the level of a franchise QB. He is a dumb QB/person and is actually below average. He needs an all-world WR like Moss on the team to catch his jump balls.
  22. Both of these guys look like doofuses, not future Super Bowl winning coaches. http://www.detroitlions.com/bio.cfm?bio_id=205 http://www.packers.com/team/coaches/sherman_mike/ Yes, I'm talking about physical appearance. I know it sounds stupid but it's my theory and I'm sticking with it. Just by looking at them, I can't imagine either of these guys holding a Lombardi trophy. Neither will be the one that delivers a championship to Buffalo. That said, Sherman has at least coached good teams in the past and can hopefully rebuild the Bills to respectability. If he gets hired, I'll be satisfied I guess knowing that while he isn't the long-term Super Bowl winning solution, he can at least get Buffalo back to the playoffs, which is a huge first step, before eventually ceding his job to someone like Gruden who will finish the dream.
  23. When the Bills interview Ted Cottrell, they'll have already fulfilled the token black interview required by the NFL.
  24. I'd rather have Al Saunders, who does have some minimal head coaching experience and has either overseen or helped build very successful offenses at every stop along the way in his career.
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