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Everything posted by Ozymandius

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGcWIF3ucCQ
  2. lol, "look at my schnoz for a hint"
  3. AND to use the U.S. to fight Israel's wars. It's both. The neocohens want both the shekels and to protect the motherland.
  4. http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/12/26/hate-hoax-texan-tags-racial-slur-home/ Hate Hoax: Texan Tags Racial Slur on Own Home Jenny Williams told police that her husband, David, is currently in a mental hospital, but police said he would be arrested after being released.
  5. There are like three hardcore supporters here. You're not really getting a rise out of anybody. Certainly not to this extent:
  6. lol most of the people on this forum aren't trump fans. (i'm really ruining it by pointing this out to you. we should just let you go on and on and on...)
  7. http://hotair.com/archives/2016/12/26/about-that-white-genocide-tweet-by-a-drexel-professor/
  8. High Energy over time:
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxfDOOY2H28
  10. No, we have Obama's brother in mind for that appointment. How Malik Obama Became A Twitter “Shitlord” And Alt-Right Darling Perhaps the weirdest subplot in this year’s unprecedentedly weird presidential election was the bromance between Donald Trump and Malik Obama, President Obama’s half-brother. In July, Malik, a 58-year-old with dual US and Kenyan citizenship, announced that he would support Trump’s presidential bid. Shortly afterward, Trump welcomed his support on Twitter. By October, the Trump campaign invited Obama to the final presidential debate, where he snapped a photo alongside Kellyanne Conway. Malik Obama’s reasons for supporting Trump remain somewhat unclear and maystem from hard feelings he has toward his half-brother. But whatever the reason, that support was vehement, particularly on Twitter, where he was so adamantly pro-Trump that his account was often accused of being a parody. Shortly before the election, though, Obama was verified by Twitter. And since that verification, something weird has happened: Malik Obama has gone full chanterculture, shitlord troll, adopting much of the language and similar tactics to those used by the alt-right.
  11. lol, the liberals are so butthurt over the election, they want to go to war. Tapper using "we" twice in a span of a few seconds on election night to refer to Hillary/Dems. Funniest part is Wolf Blitzer checking the camera. Yes, it's working, and yes we heard him.
  12. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/12/15/sheriff-joe-arpaio-probe-proves-obama-birth-certificate-fake/95500958/
  13. I actually agree.
  14. J Burton ‏@JBurtonXP Dec 13 The caption says "resistance" but his posture says "sitting by the road in one of those blankets EMTs give you after a traumatic car crash."
  15. Well, I had the wisdom to not allow you to accept the Florida bet. And now you can still post here. You're welcome.
  16. It's not just Ivanka and Junior. Eric is also married to a Jewess and I believe Tiffany is currently dating a Jew. These are all things the alt-right uncovered and debated back in the summer of 2015. Ultimately we decided to back Trump as our "God Emperor," anyway. It's just pure practical politics. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
  17. The average age of the alt-right is like 23. More likely, we or Trump will trigger you into a fatal coronary at some point over the next few years. How brief can it be when the mainstream media and Democrats will continue to give us attention in some futile effort to link us to Trump? Enjoy the next 8 years of a Trump presidency (if you can make it 8 years) and constant coverage of the alt-right.
  18. Texas A&M still has free speech. Richard Spencer held a speaking event there last week with Q&A. I'm surprised it was not mentioned in this thread. ABC interview with Spencer before event: Spencer's press conference before event: The two-hour event itself:
  19. I know, right? I can't believe I forgot to list positions in national security and foreign policy as well. I mean, that's probably the MOST important positions to keep away from them. My bad, Azalin. I will do better next time.
  20. Porter ‏@porter14159 Dec 13 Unless Putin sneaks over the border, soaks up social services, and votes democrat 12 times, he has no right as a foreigner in our elections.
  21. Rhino - I pray for you that this barrier will be removed in time.
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