Pretty ironic that you bash the bills picks thinking you know more than them. What holes do we have that can be filled by these automatically good 4th &5th round picks
Ya and the higher the round the better odds they will be good. By your logic maybe the bills should just trade down every year and collect 15 7th rounders.
Good stuff here, ya cause any wr we would have drafted will automatically be good and become our best wr instantly. Love when the bills draft positions someone doesn’t want and they cry and get all salty
I could see the Bills packaging their 2nd and 3rd to jump back into the first and try to land 2 impact players. I think they will go dt and edge with their first 2 picks. Have to go rb at some point also I would think
2 meetings for Oliver and Ferguson. Could be our first 2 picks.
Dont know now much about Ferguson, anyone gotta any insight?
Don’t seem to be meeting with many early round cbs, s, lbs, rbs, or any centers.
There’s also this thing called defense that influences games. Robert foster had 3 tds in half a season as a rookie but ya let’s “project” him to only get 3. If Allen takes the next step it’s also ridiculous to think everyone’s tds won’t take a jump.
The second half of last year with Barkley and Allen post injury the bills were on pace to get 48 tds over the course of a full season so ya there is no way the bills could ever get to 50 with adding a bunch more offensive weapons, new oline, Allen becoming more comfortable and experienced and the draft still yet to come. But keep talking about unrealistic offseasons and meaningless projected stats