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Posts posted by Pbomb

  1. You tell me.


    Why did they bring in Andre Smith for a visit?


    I've seen this story way too many times in Buffalo. A player that would help this team at a position on need is brought in for a visit, or we hear there is interest, and at the end of the day, there really was no chance because we are playing checkers while everyone else players chess.

    wait i thought i read here that whaley plays tic tac toe
  2. Bills are dead last in the league in roster % of draft picks (22%). Chicago is right after the Bills and we know what a powerhouse they are.

    Perennial playoff teams typically have 60% of their roster home grown draft picks.

    There really isn't another way to build a consistent winner and they won't be until this changes.

    The good news is that last year's draft seems like a step in the right direction- unfortunately it could easily have been Rex's draft and not Whaley's.


    whaley has 15 of his 20 picks from 3 years on the roster now
  3. It's only day 4 of FA and people are going to say we have plenty of time. The issue with that is the good players are gone. We could have 6 years to fill the roster, the guys that could have helped us are already gone. Now we will look at the Philly Brown and Jeremy Butlers of the world and wonder why we never make the playoffs. We signed a backup D-lineman today. The 1 spot on the roster we are actually good at already. 5 or 6 massive wholes in the starting lineup and we are signing no name depth at positions of strength.

    the one spot we are good at? We signed a backup de because behind hughes and shaq we have no other de but that was a bad signing?
  4. The fact that it took no General Manager type skills to a-answer the phone, b- say no to draft picks because I used them on watkins pick a player? That took literally no work at all sure he made the trade every gm in the league would have.

    so by your genius theory no gm gets credit for any trade cause all you have to do is talk on the phone and it doesnt really involve much work? Or does this just apply to whaley
  5. Im not anti doug im dougs results stink. I think hes giving forth max of HIS abilities but some people arent cut out to be GMS. He should and would do better as a proplayer scout somewhere.

    Excellent rational so Whaleys true credit to fame rests soley on a highly blackballed guard that noone would take a chance ona nd another gms sillyiness of calling whaley and wanting to dump mccoy. Been with the billssince 10 and been a gm since 13. 4 years two moves directly(if u want to call that) based on whaleys ability. Still no capable wr other watkins.

    so mccoy and incognito are the only good moves whaley has made? Alright dude keep up the crusade.
  6. 2013 was a bad draft for most teams and nix's last year. Also we have 4 players from 2014 and 2015 left so looks like the op is trying to make stuff up to push his agenda, im guessing the whaley sucks one.


    2014 - 7 picks - sammy , ck , preston brown , and henderson still on team. Richardson and randell johnson were late round picks and didnt work out, cockrell starts for pitt now but rex tried to "sneak him on the practice squad". Pb seemed pretty good also his rookie year until rex came around. Ck obviously is disappointing but he is also starting to play better, hopefully he can transfer his success at lt to rt


    2015 - 6 picks - darby, miller, oleary, and lewis still on team. Karlos also looked like a hit until he became fat and lazy and couldnt put the pipe down, steward was another late round pick that didnt pan out. Darby and miller start. oleary has started to contribute. Lewis doesnt seem to be working out but he was also a 7th round pick.


    2016 - 7 picks - all 7 on team still


    So in whaleys 3 drafts as full gm there are 15 out of 20 picks here. Im guessing that is pretty much in line with other teams

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