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Posts posted by Pbomb

  1. So, LaCanfora says McDermott has growing cache with ownership, could be bringing in VPs or personnel figures with ties to the coach in the near future, and that the marriage likely isn't built to last.


    And then McDermott says that Whaley and he worked together on all this and neither could have done it alone, that it's been a total team effort, and that "Doug and I have had healthy conversations, productive conversations, and I look forward to doing that moving forward." And that the team will speak with one voice.


    And people hear McDermott's comments and say, "See, LaCanfora was wrong, and there's no problem." Really?


    Does nobody notice that both of those could easily be 100% true, that they are not contradictory? They are not.


    Did McDermott say how far forward he will move with Whaley? Did he say there will be no new VPs or personnel figures? Folks, this is good PR, but McDermott didn't contradict LaCanfora's report. He didn't say there isn't conflict. And he certainly didn't guarantee Whaley's future with the Bills will be long or filled with power.

    give it up dude, i thought there would be a break til atleast the next jlc article but i guess not
  2. By that logic, Was Whaley not GM when Rex Ryan was hired? Then it was a move made by him. Was Whaley not GM when Doug Marrone was hired? Then it was a move made by him.

    everyone is entitled to their opinion. I always thought marrone was a brandon hire and rex was also a pegulas and brandon favorite. While whaley im sure had input i believe didnt have the final say on either. But that is just my opinion
  3. That was last season.

    He went into the 2014 season with EJ, Tuel and Palmer as his QBs before Orton was signed. Rex brought in Tyrod, not Whaley.

    He's mostly ignored the most valuable position in the league. It's inexcusable.

    ej was only in his second year in 2014, hard to give up on a first round pick after half a year. maybe they shouldnt have brought in orton. If ej would have played all year then ya the bills would haved sucked but atleast everyone would know for sure ej wasnt any good then they could have moved on sooner and would have had alot better draft pick. Instead we got orton and finished 9-7 cause marrone wanted to save face.


    And again was whaley not gm when tyrod was added, then it was a move made by him.

  4. A lot of excuse making in this one.

    Whaley would be long gone if Tyrod wasn't signed. He's done a bad job with the most valuable position in the league in QB.... the article puts its on Nix and then outline how bad that 2013 QB draft was. It doesn't excuse the fact Whaley simply stopped trying after Manuel was picked.

    he didnt. he added tyrod, drafted cardale, and probably will draft another this year or next.
  5. Belichick is a great coach and a great GM. The Bills fans who try and insist he is just a hoodie with the GOAT at QB are deluding themselves.

    On topic.... Leroi saying there is nothing in this is interesting. He doesn't quite bat 100 but he has a pretty good record of accuracy on this board.

    john murphy said it was fake news too. Cant believe people still believe jlc. If they were gonna get rid of whaley it would have been at the end of the year.


    From what ive seen it wasnt just whaley that didnt get along with marrone, it was monos, brandon, many players, and im sure many more so not sure i would blame whaley for that.


    The arguing with rex was over the qb situation. Rex wanted tyrod so he could win meaningless games to save his job. Whaley was looking to the future to help the franchise. Once again i will take whaley side there as well.


    Also belicheck is a good gm but makes plenty of bad moves as well, just like every gm in the league.

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