like i said im sure he has been doing this for 20 years and risen to assistant gm by only being able to scout one kind of player, i guess he just ignores the rest. Makes for a less complicated draft, brilliant
you say hes terrible at cap management but you wanted them to resign gilmore and woods for around 23 mil a year? We have a full roster with like 12 mil in cap room left, plenty of $ next year. to me that doesnt seem like cap mismanagement
waaaaaah! Man there are alot of crybabies out there. Whine and complain about every move and every person. Almost like jerry s has a bunch of clones running around
dont understand why some people dont think a gm and coach can work together and the gm tries to get the players a coach wants. Why does it always have to be one person running the show.
The chiefs got a tough schedule next year. Ne, hou, pit, nfc east, raiders and denver twice, and of course us. 8 losses wouldnt be out of the question especially if they dont keep getting their 7 pts a game from def and special teams
He is??? Monday afternoon, all I heard was Whaley should go because he let the Patriots get TD Mike, etc. etc., even though McDermott was in the building when the 5th round tender was put on him. So i'm confused. Whaley is in charge when something happens fans don't like. But if it's something fans like then McDermott is in charge? Is that right?
Sounds about right, basically he is a scapegoat to blame for everything bad