first of all its a little early to judge all of whaleys 3 drafts but have u actually seen nixs drafts, they are horrible.
2010 - spiller, troupe, carrington,
followed by a bunch of other
scrubs, easley the only one who
contributed but as a 4th round wr
also sucked
2011 - dareus from one the best top tens
ever, a williams failed as a cb but
was good at s, sheppard was
terrible, searcy is average but a
good 4th round pick, the rest all
2012 - gilmore and glenn were hits,
followed by 6 terrible picks and
bradham being average
2013 - ej, yes he did draft ej. Woods and
alonso are maybe slightly above
average at best, the rest are not
any good.
So in 4 drafts with 8,9,9, & 9 picks he got 3 star players and 4-5 average players and u think that is good
Not sure where bill with it got wood byrd and levitre from as brandon was gm then