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  1. Benford, Shakir, Cook (walks) Henderson OSU RB in the bottom of 2nd round Nick Nash WR 4-5 Round Use whatever money available and shore up the Line. Couple DT's in Draft worth trading next years #1 for extra early picks.
  2. Mind if I add my 2 cents: Great work Gonzo: Me: just picks no explanation; too much work I get paid for to do!!
  3. "Utica Club", wow haven't heard nor seen that in years.
  4. Crazy, 1st child born 2 weeks after SB, brothers in arms were deployed to the desert, and I deployed 5 weeks later. great memories, except for the game. We had that game if not for Kelly being stubborn. Just give Thermal the darn ball.
  5. Take it to KC, and narrative will be about the NFC East opponents Bills will face, Wow and some of these reporters weren't old enough to wipe their own hind-parts. I live in Chiefs territory, just one before I die.
  6. Patrick Mahomes
  7. Bills 27 Bronco's 13 Old timer here looking for a seat at the parade in February!! First things first. Bills too focused, last year was an aberration! Bills were sleeping in November, it's Jan. folks!!
  8. Dumbest move Cleveland made outside of the move to Baltimore. Where is Watson today, or for that matter where is Waldo? Cleveland can have him. We have very good edge rushers that can break down(when they read properly) and stop the run. We can some serious beef at DT 1/2, like three fitty beef!!
  9. Who cares, let get to next week!!! Then start 4 game win streak!!! Come on D!!!!!!!!!
  10. It's the Jets folks!!!
  11. Mike Edwards OL Zion Logue DT Tyrell Shavers WR Lewis Cine S Zach Davidson TE Micah Hyde S
  12. Man; worry warts!!!! Maybe we just sit back and enjoy the Bills kicking everyone's arssssss, then head down to City Hall for the celebration!!! Bedlam, Fandemonium.
  13. Bills are focused and have a goal. Rams are only averaging 100 YRPG. Williams only back getting ball. Bills 28 Rams 17
  14. They all have rings, time for him and the Bills to get one. Parade to start on Elmwood and Lafyette and head downtown!!!!!
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