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Everything posted by Spurna

  1. Sure she is Ask the airport next to Mar-a-Lago that's suing Trump for forcing them to shut down once a week, costing them millions of dollars
  2. This is the first time I can remember where the First Lady declined to live with her husband. They have free housing available. It's in Washington. It's white.
  3. Looks like the bill is DOA: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/03/senate-republicans-hope-house-health-care-bill-dies-already.html http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/324220-nervous-gop-senators-rooting-for-ryan-to-fail
  4. https://twitter.com/williamlegate/status/842209771457462272 Looks like POTUS is distancing himself from the bill
  5. Are you afraid that single-payer might force you to get your autism treated Try thinking for yourself instead of copying and pasting
  6. The GOP literally had 8 years to figure out a replacement plan, and when their hand was forced, they had nothing. The CBO projection literally says "we weren't given enough time to figure out a score like we usually do" since the GOP is trying to rush this through.
  7. The head of the CBO, Keith Hall, was nominated by Republicans in 2015 and had previously served under George W. Bush But yeah, keep blaming Democrats for the GOPs failures
  8. I'm making light of the fact that you're all dumb and racist
  9. You're right - I'm not a 50-year old white guy who lives in my parents' basement
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_Jesus
  11. And by my calculations you need to stop reading Infowars
  12. Why do white guys have such a need to feel oppressed. Your life isn't hard and you take it out on other people because otherwise you'd feel guilty. Being Christian doesn't make you special, snowflake.
  13. Do you believe the earth is flat? Many things have changed in 2000 years. Discoveries made. Medicine created. Imagine if you stopped taking medicine. Imagine if you stopped communicating electronically. Science is the basis for progress in our world, and to deny it because of a "belief" is childish nonsense. You need science to live. You don't need religion. Now, as a Christian, realize that you should be compassionate towards other human beings according to the lessons of Jesus. That includes all races, colors and creeds. I'm sure someone told you otherwise and cherry-picked bible verses showing why you should hate. But here's the real kicker - the things that you believe happened in the bible never happened. A white guy would not have been in that part of the world in that time period - you got swindled by some muslim-looking guy named Jesus Christ that sold his tale to the world. He's never coming back and you're a fool. I know death is scary, but I think it's far more scary for the less fortunate who will die in poverty and without healthcare. Spend your Sundays thinking of them instead of satisfying your selfish desire for an afterlife.
  14. ...Democrats have no control right now. The GOP is looking stupid all on its own, don't drag the Democrats into this.
  15. Religion deserves to be mocked and ridiculed. Always.
  16. The past administration cut funding for public housing and Medicaid to pay for increased military spending and a border wall?
  17. Hey how are the Global Sea Ice levels doing...
  18. ...The GOP controls both houses of congress and the presidency What do you want the Democrats to do, exactly?
  19. Sorry to have intruded on your Safe Space.
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