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Everything posted by Spurna

  1. https://twitter.com/DavidCornDC/status/845361857774931968
  2. https://twitter.com/costareports/status/845357678390104066 https://twitter.com/costareports/status/845358347801055233 The President of the United States just called a reporter to try and spin that he was the one that killed the bill, not the GOP Trump is a dumb failure
  3. No it wasn't - House pulled it and Trump called reporters to save face and claim he wanted it pulled Trump's an idiot
  4. The sky is green and the grass is blue Get off the drugs
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Equity_and_Access_Reform_Today_Act_of_1993 I already linked this last week You're an idiot
  6. Missing: President's balls https://twitter.com/brespolitico/status/845056007558610944
  7. “Unfortunately, what we are headed toward now is universal crappy health insurance,” said Dr. Budd Shenkin, a California pediatrician" Where is the misquote
  8. He's being a child - "gotta make people hate universal health care because if that passes then I can't bilk patients AT ALL" RichPeopleCrying.jpg
  9. Doctors hate high deductible plans because the patient pays no money up front. If they bill an insurance company for a patient visit, it may take several months for them to receive reimbursement. They're crying because they can't bilk people for money as fast as they used to
  10. The White House doesn't know how to create moving videos Nothing says "moving story" like a guy with a 500k income speaking "on behalf" of those affected by Obamacare negatively because they couldn't find actual patients who were
  11. We're going 4-12 this year and you'll miss him
  12. Who molested you as a child - the priest? Is that why you want Jesus inside you?
  13. And the great thing about the budget revealed yesterday is that Trump does nothing to reduce the deficit like he promised he would, he just takes money from other programs to fund his wall
  14. And not one that takes up a full New York City block
  15. Nothing says "changing the status quo" in Washington like a billionaire spending more money on himself You're very dumb
  16. Should I pull down a screen? It appears you're projecting.
  17. ...you're not a George Michael fan?
  18. He already admitted to having multiple kids and a gun - that's more than enough.
  19. Nice avatar. I like that you're also a George Michael fan.
  20. I ran it through a spelling and grammar check and it responded "failed 4th grade"
  21. Guns are for men with small penises Do your kids also have tens of thousands of misspelled posts on a football message board? I think you should ask that private school for a refund
  22. Why don't you just make your signature a link to Drudge, and every post you make can be an arrow pointing downward?
  23. https://twitter.com/DeuceMason/status/842496744789164032
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