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Posts posted by Spurna

  1. It's here!


    Question - how much of a pain in the ass is it taking an Uber across the border to Fort Erie/Toronto/Niagara Falls?


    I've read online that you can get an Uber from Detroit over to Canada, but not a return trip - and you have to confirm with your driver that they have their passport before you cross.


    If anyone tries, let me know.

  2. Jared Kushner's firm was given $285 million Deutsche Bank loan a month before Election Day




    One month before Election Day, Jared Kushner’s real estate company finalized a $285 million loan as part of a refinancing package for its property near Times Square in Manhattan.
    The loan came at a critical moment. Kushner was playing a key role in the presidential campaign of his father-in-law, Donald Trump. The lender, Deutsche Bank, was negotiating to settle a federal mortgage fraud case and charges from New York state regulators that it aided a possible Russian money-laundering scheme. The cases were settled in December and January.
    Now, Kushner’s association with Deutsche Bank is among a number of financial matters that could come under focus as his business activities are reviewed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is examining Kushner as part of a broader investigation into possible Russian influence in the election.
    The October deal illustrates the extent to which Kushner was balancing roles as a top adviser to Trump and a real estate company executive. After the election, Kushner juggled duties for the Trump transition team and his corporation as he prepared to move to the White House. The Washington Post has reported that investigators are probing Kushner’s separate December meetings with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, and with Russian banker Sergey Gorkov, the head of Vnesheconombank, a state development bank.
    The Deutsche Bank loan capped what Kushner Cos. viewed as a triumph: It had purchased four mostly empty retail floors of the former New York Times building in 2015, recruited tenants to fill the space and got the Deutsche Bank loan in a refinancing deal that gave Kushner’s company $74 million more than it paid for the property.
    The White House, in response to questions from The Post, said in a statement that Kushner “will recuse from any particular matter involving specific parties in which Deutsche Bank is a party.” Kushner and Deutsche Bank declined to comment.
    Deutsche Bank loans to Trump and his family members have come under scrutiny. As Trump’s biggest lender, the bank supplied funds to him when other banks balked at the risk. As of last year, Trump’s companies had about $364 million in outstanding debts to the bank.


  3. to know.


    Hannity was getting TOO CLOSE to the truth and he is being shutdown by Media (whatever they are called), advertisers and FOX News.


    Hannity is an eye lash away from being fired too, if he isn't already.


    This is beyond pathetic and all you need to know about what is going on in our country.


    The Russian BS is all a major distraction to what is REALLY going on.


    If a non-political moron like myself can see this a million miles away, what does that say about the rest of us and what we believe is the truth.


    Plus, the President's successful overseas trip is making Trump haters (they are everywhere) lose their minds and really doubling down on the fake Russian scandal.


    I didn't vote for Trump, but I see the truth out there.


    What do you think?


    I'm sorry your penis is broken and you get your jollies from reading conspiracy theories like an idiot

  4. I thought the idea of Medicare for all would work. Controlled prices , not hundreds of different plans with admin costs.


    Provide free medical school to the best and brightest if they stay and work in this country.


    Same for free nursing school. Gov subsidy of malpractice insurance to keep that expense down. jmo , I know it won't happen


    Even just making hospital visits and doctor care free and keeping the drug plans separate (like Medicare currently is) would be a step forward


    All the nonsense about "but but but you have to wait in lines!" is coming from the right - even in Canada there's doctors where you can pay cash and be seen immediately. And if you need immediate care you're going to get it immediately - if your MRI has to wait a couple weeks, oh well.

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