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Everything posted by Spurna

  1. Trump hears footsteps... https://twitter.com/GlennKesslerWP/status/888205353183313920
  2. https://twitter.com/Rob_Flaherty/status/887883529891192835 Our president is a literal retard Where can I get this $12/year insurance?
  3. But they did vote for him with his promise of lower taxes If that doesn't happen...Congress swings blue next year
  4. ...without their health care plan, GOP has no funding for tax reform
  5. Kill myself because my crippling gambling addiction has made me excited to win $100.00
  6. If Cuomo ends up running for president, I bet New Yorkers can shame him into getting single-payer done on the state level in NY He can't run as a "progressive" if he denies his constituency socialized health care
  7. New plan: repeal first with a 2-year delay to figure out a replacement https://twitter.com/ASimendinger/status/887142730547245056 What a clown show
  8. It gets vetoed by anyone who's not Bernie in the White House - Cuomo would veto it on the state level in NY Bernie Sanders 2020
  9. Curtiss Hotel on Franklin had a soft opening last night - it has the city's only revolving bar, and a rooftop lounge called VUE with a retractable roof that opens to the public July 15th: http://buffalonews.com/2017/07/03/curtiss-hotel-opens-business/
  10. Former Buffalo Bill Jeff Nixon (1979-1984) is now an Uber driver and gives out autographs to his passengers! https://twitter.com/Grenich2/status/880992699335233538
  11. It's here! Question - how much of a pain in the ass is it taking an Uber across the border to Fort Erie/Toronto/Niagara Falls? I've read online that you can get an Uber from Detroit over to Canada, but not a return trip - and you have to confirm with your driver that they have their passport before you cross. If anyone tries, let me know.
  12. Jared Kushner's firm was given $285 million Deutsche Bank loan a month before Election Day https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/kushner-firms-285-million-deutsche-bank-loan-came-just-before-election-day/2017/06/25/984f3acc-4f88-11e7-b064-828ba60fbb98_print.html?tid=sm_tw
  13. NFTA lowered the rate to $3.00 after the bad publicity and Lyft is now back on board: http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/nfta-announces-ridesharing-deals/451440151
  14. NFTA announced yesterday that there would be a $3.50 fee for every drop off and pick-up done by Uber or Lyft on airport property, so Lyft just said they're pulling out of Buffalo: http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/lyft-we-wont-operate-in-buffalo-with-airport-fees-uber-ridesharing-/451536571
  15. They've somehow tricked 300-level season ticket holders near the 50-yard line to pay sky-high prices for those seats, so I'm guessing middle-300's will get actual seats instead of benches
  16. The official NFL channel appeared to have posted a VHS recording of the game How do they not have the master tape?
  17. I'm sorry your penis is broken and you get your jollies from reading conspiracy theories like an idiot
  18. Sebastian Janikowski has been with the Raiders during their best of times and worst of times - hopefully the Raiders make a push this year so he can close out his career on a high note
  19. Not the Bills vs. Not the Bills
  20. Even just making hospital visits and doctor care free and keeping the drug plans separate (like Medicare currently is) would be a step forward All the nonsense about "but but but you have to wait in lines!" is coming from the right - even in Canada there's doctors where you can pay cash and be seen immediately. And if you need immediate care you're going to get it immediately - if your MRI has to wait a couple weeks, oh well.
  21. An opinion piece from The Washington Examiner (whatever that is) isn't an article, stop trying to pass it off as such B-Man is dumb and posts links to garbage Original Article
  22. Russ Brandon and Picasso's Pizza Name two things that haven't delivered in Buffalo for 17 years
  23. If I found a rotting Picasso pizza I would definitely throw it in the dumpster
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