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Posts posted by Spurna

  1. As a fan who has been attending games since 1962 and who spent a lot of times standing in the end zone in the rockpile because the bench seats were so uncomfortable, I believe I know pretty well when to shout, when to shut up, when to stand and when to sit. So here is my plea:


    Dear twentysomething- Please, please please stop with the turning your back to the field and exhorting the crowd to make noise by lifting your arms in the air and screaming at them. If you want to be a damn cheerleader, go out for the Jills. I know these knuckleheads get shown on TV occasionally but I can't figure out what in the world you are doing. Often it is accompanied by having to look at the guy shirtless (I provide an exception for women). STOP, JUST STOP.


    This is the most "I'm old now get off my lawn" post in this thread

  2. The crowds are younger now - if I'm taking someone older I get front row of the 200 or 300 sections so they don't have to deal with the standing


    But I think killing the vibe by making everyone sit down is a bad idea - the younger fans going to games regardless of how the Bills play are going to keep the franchise going in the next decade. Let them drink and be merry.


    I think the Patriots have cues on their jumbotron saying "shhhhhhhhh" when the Pats are on offense, and I think doing something like that would help. Newer fans don't know the etiquette and wouldn't know to sit down during an offensive possession.

  3. Whatever superstitions they have they better stop because it ain't working

    This did get me thinking though...

    Have we had Flutie back since we benched him for the music city miracle game? I feel like we need to make that right for the curse to be lifted.


    We had Norwood back when we were on a winning streak in 2011 and then the team went to hell the rest of the season. So that can backfire.

  4. For as long as I can remember, the Bills have always played "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins during their pregame warmups. This past Thursday they started playing the song, but about 10 seconds in they cut it off and started playing some generic hip-hop song instead. Kind of made me mad.


    After Pegula bought the team in 2014 they switched it to some metal version of "In the Air Tonight", but then the next week they switched it back.


    Does anyone know of other gameday superstitions the Bills have had throughout the years? I remember Ralph used to trot out the old goalpost pads from circa-40 years ago at seemingly random times and I always wondered what that was about.

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