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Everything posted by Spurna

  1. Why didn't you just type "blacks are lazy" since that's what your ramblings boil down to "No one has to turn to crime to survive" - yeah sure buddy, why do people with no job prospects and unreliable transportation end up selling drugs to make money? And why do our politicians make money off throwing them in jail for marijuana? It's almost like they're...at a disadvantage
  2. You just said that people who can't afford to have children shouldn't have children, but now you're implying that those same people possess the same "benefits" that you did, with regards to generational wealth How do you "make something of yourself" when there's no jobs? It's almost like certain communities have to turn to crime to survive How do we solve that problem? Do you care?
  3. Do you cry into your beer and get a boner when the Bills trot out the amputee vets at every home game and play "God Bless the USA"?
  4. Ah yes, let the people born into nothing with no support system and no education just "bootstrap" themselves out of poverty Let me guess - you're a white baby boomer
  5. Buffalo has the second-highest childhood poverty rate in America I'm glad you can go have a beer at Canalside and buy tickets for the Bills games, but most of the city lives in crippling poverty Stop trying to make it about *my family* or *America* or *law enforcement* - can't we all agree that black people are disadvantaged? Or should black people who speak out get their face on t-shirts with gun cross-hairs over their chests?
  6. Sorry, let me be more like the racist guy with 32,000 posts and pretend like Kaep coming in won't be a problem with a large chunk of the fanbase because they can't handle a black man peacefully protesting oppression
  7. I can post the PM's where you threatened me Would you like for me to do that
  8. You tried this 2 years ago and got suspended for harassing me via PM You are very dumb and racist
  9. I HAVE COME FROM THE FUTURE Here's a pic I took while walking by a tailgate at the home opener:
  10. I'm sure the Trump circlejerk forum will happily explain why a picture depicting a black man with a crosshair across his chest is not racist
  11. Am I interrupting the racist circlejerk
  12. Your black friend said it so that makes it alright Sorry to hear you're a racist
  13. Bring in Kaepernick and expose how awful and racist the Bills fanbase is once and for all
  14. This dumpster fire is powered by fracking
  15. I'd rather they just move the team now and save us another decade of misery Pegula has no idea what he's doing with the Sabres or Bills
  16. The team is garbage and we have no other options Whoever is QB will make no difference
  17. If Buffalo Star expands to a full coverage newspaper, I think Buffalo News is vulnerable enough now to be driven out of business if there's a solid alternative
  18. The position of your nose is closer to the Bills' butt
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