The want to come at it from a subversive angle. They're taking their chances on being the anti-fan. I think it stems from how the Bills Org. slams doors in the media's face regularly.
Local Miami radio (Lebatard-Stu) are pretty hilarious in their description of the Dolphins. At times they seemed dissapointed to see Thigpen go. Describing him as a QB who looks great, does all the things, but just cant get the W.
Evans is in his prime right now. This season. This Buffalo passing game grew so much in just one year under the new staff, you have to be impressed. Evans is injury free, in great shape and an important piece in the Bills success.
If CJ is great, we'll be a team to beat in the AFC.
He don't look like a star yet to me though. I'll say less than 1000 on the ground. less than 1500 hundred total.
Donte said his heart is in Buffalo?
Had they not changed the turf in the stadium, his jock would still be in the endzone.
The NFL Network was showing an array of Todd Heap touchdowns, two of them were Whitner gaffs.
I stick around for headlines on the twenties. WGR has that down. When commercials start I shut it off, knowing it'll be at least three or four minutes of solid ad's before any sports talk will resume.
I wish there was a podcast I could download with a Buffalo slant. The Patriots have a training camp podcast !