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Everything posted by Thunderstealer

  1. I'm bringing all I got. Then at night It's a great Jazz fusion show at the Tralf!
  2. Greatest picture ever. Thank you for serving.
  3. Week three is still kind of early to fully judge the worth of an NFL team. Clayton should know this.
  4. Buffalo needs to pressure Brady the way the Saints pressured Cutler last week. If 12 doesn't feel pain, he'll make it miserable for us.
  5. Fred's third quarter TD run was an example of Fred's lack of breakaway speed. The result was a touchdown though. How ? The slight right veer he took at the ten yard line. Just enough to counter the much faster DB's pursuit. Throw them off their path. Just enough to get him to the House.
  6. Mike Terico referred to Buffalo's early success as " The Buffalo Thing". As if we were an annoyance.
  7. That's a real blow to special teams without having that decisive sure handed returner.
  8. I don't think it's possible to flame a post like this.
  9. Good post. Fred is so good with his arm defense. He's so long there, and so strong.
  10. Fred's got attributes of former hall of famers. A little Earl Campbell, A little OJ (1970's OJ), a little TO.
  11. Strip Club / Massage Parlor? Where?
  12. That's a good example how sometimes stats can make things seem different then they really are.
  13. SJ and Ocho look like twins.
  14. Buffalo's backfield doesn't burst out at you if your counting the Bills strengths- That's for sure. Teams will score.
  15. Yes, and what I'd watch for is- if she can skip ball clubs with ease, well..
  16. He was on again? Man the Bills hate w/ a passion 550 wgr.
  17. Man that's a big red flag.
  18. As long as it isn't Moorman.
  19. He meshed well with Flutie. A Baltimore game comes to mind.
  20. Feed Freddy. Don't be stupid.( cheap hits, personal fouls) Remove the rabid crowd noise.
  21. Maybe not. But the balance he shows carrying the ball is not first round worthy. He needs to look a little more like a NFL RB and less like a baseball player stealing second base.
  22. He'll be in New England within five minutes.
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