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Norwood for Wall of Fame

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Everything posted by Norwood for Wall of Fame

  1. 1. 43 2. 38 3. 37 Key: 1. Number of points Kyle Orton put up on Rex's Jets team in the first matchup in 2014.* 2. Number of points Kyle Orton put up on Rex's Jets team in the second matchup in 2014.* 3. Number of points Ryan Fitzpatrick put up on Rex's Bills team in the first matchup in 2016.** *Only two games that Orton put up more than 26 **One of only two games that Fitzpatrick put up more than 24, the other was against Cleveland
  2. The spectacularly bad coaching late in the game overshadowed what I think is inexcusable clock management back in the first quarter. First, a wasted challenge on an obviously correct call cost us a timeout. Then we burned a timeout on a personnel issue. Then we got called for delay of game. All of this was in the first quarter! How nice would it have been to have one or both of those wasted timeouts when the Bills were trying to score just before halftime?
  3. By this reasoning, we should probably go get Ryan Fitzpatrick. He's pretty smart.
  4. I'm beginning to think we won't make the playoffs.
  5. Laugh or cry, as you wish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI8vnx55GLE
  6. and bad teams do it constantly for 16 years.
  7. Good teams win games when they play badly. Good teams play 60 minutes. Good teams don't have momentum swings within a game or from game to game (offense is bad week #1, defense is bad week #2, etc.) The difference between teams with talent and good teams is in the leadership. QB, veteran player, coach all own this. These Bills are not a good team. They're a team that can't make it happen when they need to, even with a 15 point lead in the middle of the third quarter. Never mind how much fun it is to watch Tyrod or how smooth Sammy looks when running routes. Never mind how complimentary the opposing offensive line is about Kyle or how sharp one or the other of the Browns is at making open field tackles. This is not a good team. The Bills have had very few good teams and none outside of the Kelly era. Who didn't step up yesterday? Tyrod, Sammy, the Browns, Kyle and the Defensive Genius coaching staff. Who cares if any of them stays? They're not going to lead a good team in Buffalo, not next year and not ever.
  8. Mangini !!! What a great idea!!!
  9. Yeh, I'll bet the Browns don't even make the playoffs now.
  10. I don't have an HD television so I couldn't really tell.
  11. Every time Kap takes a snap, the PA system should play the Star Spangled Banner and he'll kneel down.
  12. You're right, one of us can't count syllables very well
  13. No politics here please, but can you imagine how different life would be for Bills fans if The Donald had bought the Bills instead of The Terry (and The Kim)? Your thoughts are welcome, but only in haiku (rules: 3 lines of 5-7-5 syllables). Here's my offering: Life in Buffalo Making the Bills great again! I'd bring back the Jills
  14. Without the touchdowns and field goals it would have been a different game too.
  15. Probably the same thing that happened to that preseason when Jeff Tuel was a complete beast
  16. I thought that the Bills were employing some Schwartz techniques on Sunday, the way that tbey were lined up all spread out on the defensive front and rushing the passer from who knows where.
  17. Tyrod Smith has a receiver named Sammy Watson. Oh, and Smith needs to learn to move around and not stand still in the pocket.
  18. Other way around - TLV-BUF is farther but UUS-BUF is a 15 hour time difference (TLV is only 7 hrs) But you're right about the security checkpoints.
  19. Not so, comrade. UUS-BUF is 5,748 miles but TLV-BUF is 5,785 miles, according to gcmap.com. I've got you by 37 miles.
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