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Everything posted by foreboding

  1. They'd be so much better with Cousins.
  2. Ok, Phins got the ball. Big comeback here!
  3. Well, you are half-right. One is paid to play sports, the other is paid to talk. Both are paid very well. I guess if you want to play word-salad, sure Aaron never said "he is a pedaphile." Just like when he told us all he was "inoculated." His point was pretty clear to Jimmy, me and every single person who heard and saw the clip before Aaron tried to word salad the thing.
  4. What hateful BS are you referring to? Well, this may be true, but you just cited two people who are out, (canceled) and in Roman's case, fled the country to prevent arrest.
  5. Legal for him to infer someone rapes children? What a dumb-ass thing to say. Legal does not make it cool, ok or the slightest bit reasonable. Maybe you oughta head over to gang green and slather your ARod love there? Anyone with a half-brain knows the joke Rodgers was making. Kimmel is a comedian, paid to offer social commentary and humor. He understands there is a line. Aaron thinks most of us are dumb enough to believe his idiotic word-parsing. He is a comedian who interviews celebrities, of course he would like some of them. As any of us would, I am 100% sure he would not be friends with those who are shown to be pedaphiles.
  6. KC @ home or the rookie QB from warm weather Houston. Either is fine. Beating KC would definitely be far more fun.
  7. I saw him working hard on a few rushes the other night. Pressuring the pocket.
  8. Nah, I could care less what the media says. Much prefer to win the actual SB.
  9. Yeah, He's just a click bait clown anyway. Knows nothing and his takes are terrible.
  10. You sure? Defense was not what made Joe have an MVP with a QB rating of 124.2 with 287 yards and 3 touchdowns in his super bowl victory.
  11. Crazy that a beautiful place like SD can't have a team. Too bad.
  12. I'll tale this gritty win vs losing pretty to the Eagles.
  13. I think he feels that he has to do it as his size prevents him from getting some of the calls other QBs get-
  14. Wait? It's only $6?? *****, I can't drive to a bar for that little.
  15. Dude. So many of us were at least wondering if Shno was past his prime. Looks like he's not!! Thrse guys are fighters. I'd forgotten that. Go Bills!
  16. Kudos! I think you meant "Jimbo"!!
  17. Don't forget. We have Terrell Bernard now as well!
  18. True. But reality is you can fire/demote a mid -round drafted wr alot easier than your hc...and Davis does drop alot of balls.
  19. The 13 sec game screwed up perception on #13. He is and should remain a nice #3 wr, where he will do lots of little things right and occasionally make the game breaking play. But...when the game is on the line you look for your top 1 or 2 options. Not a guy with a high drop rate. For us this will be Kincaid and Diggs with Shakir nipping at their heals for wr options. Cook is also explosive. We have all we need to be a very good offense the rest of the year. Just need everyone to accept the best seat for them on the bus.
  20. "Money" Douglas!!!
  21. Ed Oliver is a beast and Joe Brady seems to understand how to execute a balanced game with lots of runs!! Fun!!!!!
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