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Everything posted by foreboding

  1. Don't you got a basketball game or something to watch?
  2. Being a Bills fan is one long Shakespearean tragedy.
  3. Bills vs Chiefs is an end of game coin toss or we smack them down. They're close teams. They're better because... 3 sb... How do we get 5% better?
  4. Shanahan abandoned the run in q2 and 3. When he started running again, they moved the ball. CMC was how they win that game and he forgot that when CMC fumbled. Chris Jones is one of the best big game players on D we've seen in a while.
  5. Are you being literal?
  6. It felt inevitable.
  7. So sorry brother. Way to young. I hope you can find some peace.
  8. No chance except possible on a ref by ref basis and that would involve criminal behaviour. We're it truly fixed someone would have been busted by now. To purposely taint the game would ruin it and the billions it legitimately generates.
  9. Jones, Floyd (might not be doable) and Rapp.
  10. One or two slices at least!
  11. Ummm...because it's awesome!!
  12. I am so sorry, and thank you for the strong reminder.
  13. Whelp, we're safe then, aren't we!
  14. Andy Reid, Mike Shanahan on lines 1 and 2. And if you get to the phone a little late...Sean McVay is on line 3.
  15. Spags figured out how to stymie this year's Lamar. Rush 5 or 6 and make Lamar play fast. When he has forever, those recievers eventually get open long. Not nearly as much today.
  16. Yeah. I mean we had a guy who was driving his rv to Florida starting at MLB.
  17. I will watch every minute of the remaining 3 games. Then we are on to the dark days of sport purgatory.
  18. We could do worse!
  19. What an ####### his dad is. Beat that kid into fear. Now I see why Tua has such a weak arm, he's a frigging righty.
  20. Man, he is such a funny dude. His analogies are so unusual and great. Swaggiest.
  21. Ravens dropped because they didn't play? I think: Ravens Niners Bills Lions Chiefs Texans Pack Bucs
  22. Garrett giving the chiefs too much credit. They beat a wimpy team tonight. Credit to Chiefs though, mistake free football and grinded out points.
  23. No doubt. Gimme Miami any day of the week.
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