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Everything posted by Buffalo86

  1. It's hard to understand because the Bills are actually valuing draft picks for the first time in ages.
  2. Maybe, but "if healthy" is a huge caveat when it comes to Sammy. As things stand now, Sammy's 2018 pay under the 5th year option would've been second only to Antonio Brown's. It'll be interesting to see how much $ he commands from the Rams, as he probably would've been looking for at least that much from Buffalo.
  3. With so many Bills fans falling over themselves to defend Whaley's every move, it's no surprise that so many are sad to see his underachieving players removed from the roster. Good riddance, I say. Some day soon we'll learn that winning doesn't require a never ending string of excuses.
  4. Because they determined he wasn't worth the cost. As things stand at the moment, picking up Sammy's 5th year option would have tied Mike Evans for 2nd highest paid WR in 2018. Time, the amount of $ he gets from the Rams, and how he performs on the field will determine if it was the right move. I have a feeling it was.
  5. The new FO determined that keeping Sammy wasn't worth the cost, and they weren't hamstrung by having spent so much to get him. Getting a 2nd instead of letting him walk at the end of the season seems like a pretty good deal to me.
  6. FWIW, Jerry Rice is a first cousin of Matthews' mom.
  7. I had calmed down, but now I'm seriously pissed off at your nonchalance on the matter.
  8. IMO we got good value overall in the 2 deals. I think some are undervaluing the extra draft picks because they talked themselves into believing that Whaley was doing a great job by drafting 1-2 decent players per year. He wasn't. If/when this current rookie class shows that McDermott & Beane know what they're doing in the draft, people will feel a lot better.
  9. I remember hearing that Ragland would've been a 1st round pick in the '80s or '90s. Maybe that's why he was such a perfect fit for Rex's '80s/'90s-style D.
  10. Nice, maybe we won't get swept by the Jets again this year.
  11. Marrone seems a bit more likeable now. We simply had too many Dougs.
  12. Whoops, looks like you got lost & found yourself in a thread about EJ Manuel.
  13. My point is that they never should've let it get to the point where they HAD TO draft a QB in 2013. There were plenty of opportunities to draft a guy before it came to that. They didn't "miss" on Wilson or other QBs; they never took a shot.
  14. Being backed into the 2013 QB corner wasn't some bad stroke of luck that happened to OBD; they did it to themselves by coddling Fitz & refusing to bring in anyone who might pose a threat to him. They liked Russell Wilson the year before, but not as much as they liked TJ Graham.
  15. Never understood how a guy who spent his entire life going to QB camps & for one of the top programs in the country was said to be "raw." I think he'll always be.
  16. They didn't; they were part of the list of bad ND QBs.
  17. They didn't intentionally tank. Buddy Rip Van Nix fell asleep under a tree at the start of FA and didn't wake up until the draft.
  18. LOVE it. Here's the greatest yacht rock song ever, imo: I challenge you all to find a better xylophone solo.
  19. Nobody keeps 4 QBs. If we put him on the practice squad & lost him, we'd get nothing. Instead we got next to nothing. A small victory. If any of that stuff you said about him being a pain to the coaches is true, then I'm really glad he's gone.
  20. One might say that none of Whaley's QBs have a presence in Buffalo.
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