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Everything posted by Buffalo86

  1. Dom Capers probably didn't recognize his talent, and it worked to our benefit. There are probably plenty of poorly coached teams from whom we can poach unrecognized talent.
  2. 17 years have conditioned me to believe that if we do beat the Pats, we'll almost certainly lose to the Dolphins the following week. I'd obviously love to make the playoffs, but regardless, I think good things are in store for us in '18 & beyond.
  3. Definitely, but it should've been Tyrod's successor instead.
  4. I have to agree. Kyle didn't have Bruce Smith on his line for his whole career.
  5. Other: Do the same deal, but with the Giants, who were reportedly desperate to trade up for Mahomes. Use the #23 on White. Bicker over which QB to take with the Giants' 2018 pick.
  6. I've seen more than enough of Tolbert, too! He's a FA in 2018, so don't lose any more sleep over that.
  7. Love Mayfield if he falls to us, or possibly Lamar Jackson. While Cousins will probably command the highest contract ever, I think he'll be a perennial top 5 QB and probably worth the price. Doubt we can afford it, though.
  8. Agreed. I remember hearing (from some unsubstatiated source) that Whaley was calling for EJ to start before the Bills were eliminated, which would've made EJ's performance in the Jets game even more damning. No hard feelings toward Rex, who seems like a pretty decent human being. It's not his fault the Bills hired him. Of course, I also blame this one on Whaley. IMO, he was in the best position to talk the Pegulas out of such a bad hire. Instead, he was talking about completing each other's sentences & likening finding Rex to finding the person you're going to marry. But then again, I guess it's not Whaley's fault that the Bills hired him, either.
  9. I don't root for injuries, but who doesn't like some good old-fashioned whore dancing?
  10. If Jim Mora was the coach of the Bills, he'd absolutely be saying this right about now:
  11. I'm of the school of thought that any QB who would be "ruined" doesn't have what it takes to play in this league. Better to find out sooner than later. If they're planning to start Peterman again this week, then I'm not sure why they didn't just let him play the whole game.
  12. Are we basing this off of just tonight's game for Darby? It's only the second game he's dressed for all season. I admittedly wasn't thrilled with that particular trade, though it might seem better if Jordan Matthews didn't pick this year to start falling apart. 38 catches, 653 yards, 6 TDs. Those are the season stats that Sammy is on track to compile, and the Rams get to worry about signing him to a new deal. I think a 2nd for that was a pretty good deal. We have guys running the team who have never done it before, so there's bound to be some mistakes. Their choice of OC was probably bigger than either of these.
  13. True. There's being a gunslinger, and then there's winging it up there like a fool. He also didn't look NFL-ready on that botched snap: IIRC, he first tried to pick it back up as if he thought he'd be able to get a pass off, but bobbled it again before ultimately falling on it. Once that ball hits the ground and the defense smells blood, the play is over (especially with our current O-line). Fall on it & move on to the next play
  14. I don't know about worse debuts, but Eli Manning had ratings of 45.1, 16.9, 60.9, and 0.0 in his first four starts. Peterman's 17.9 rating was higher than two of those.
  15. Don't have to worry about defenses scheming to keep him in the pocket. He likes it there.
  16. Flutie, without a doubt. Whaley?!? To say he never got to pick his own HC is disingenuous. He was a yes man who never had the balls to pick his own HC. He was worried about self-preservation, and not what was best for our team. For this, he should be shamed and ridiculed.
  17. The guy in my fantasy league who I annually fleece in trade is the owner of Kelvin Benjamin. Not for long.
  18. I agree with this. Rather than stand up and be the voice of reason, Whaley was more interested in keeping his job. Any one of us could've made a solid argument for why hiring Rex was a huge step in the wrong direction, but Whaley was in a unique position to make himself heard on this & chose not to do so. For that reason, and others, I'm glad he's gone.
  19. I'm shocked that Whaley is unemployed. I had always heard that he was one of the top GMs in the league & would be snatched up in a second to be another team's GM, were we ever foolish enough to let him go. He had a clear plan in mind when he traded serious draft capital to move up for Sammy: to get a WR, who in Whaley's own words, wasn't much better than the other WRs in the draft. Picking up the phone when the Eagles called to offer McCoy was another stroke of genius; most GMs probably would've dropped the phone trying to answer it. It's a shame he had Rex forced upon him; you could tell how upset he was when he compared finding Rex to finding the person you're going to marry & talked about how they shared such a close vision of team building that they could complete each other's sentences. Here's hoping he gets another GM job - in the AFC East.
  20. Love venison - have had it in stew, chili, tenderloin, and burger form. Never hunted, but was once riding with a buddy in South Jersey when a doe ran out of the woods & broke its neck against the driver's-side quarter panel. As we inspected the damage, some dudes pulled up in a pickup and asked us if we wanted it. Into the back of the truck it went, never to be seen again, leaving only a memory and its fecal matter splattered across the side of the car.
  21. Regardless of what the FO says to appease us, this team is being built for the long haul & not for this year. Getting rid of Dareus was a great move & totally in line with that.
  22. He should've said "It really hurts. I give my all for the fans, and this is the treatment I get." Then we could've said he was butthurt & not a team player. Tyrod really dropped the ball on that one.
  23. Another great song. On a related note, I've really come to appreciate Obscured by Clouds over the last few years. It has a very similar sound to Meddle. Marco Benevento has a way of working it into his jazz performances, too. Always a welcome surprise. My favorite recent example of respect being given to this song was in Richard Linklater's Everybody Wants Some: "Look- you can play an E pentatonic scale at 100 miles an hour till somebody's ears burn off, you can learn that, right? But finding the tangents within the framework, therein lies the artistry, man." By far my favorite part of that movie.
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