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Everything posted by Buffalo86

  1. I saw a lot of Bills fans who knew Rex was a bad HC when he was with the Jets, then coped with the Bills hiring him by temporarily forgetting. It didn't take long for Rex to remind them that they had been right in the first place.
  2. by Tim Redinger - 8/31/2009 "The no-huddle in Buffalo once propelled the team to greatness. The current no-huddle has brought about nothingness. Its use by the first team offense has produced no points, and in the last two games, only ten yards per possession. But Jauron doesn’t see the need to abandon it." https://buffalowdown.com/2009/08/31/jauron-wants-to-stick-with-no-huddle/ Man, wtf was this franchise doing for 2 decades?!?
  3. I don't know if this counts, but McLovin fighting for extra yards vs the Patriots in the '09 opener was terrible. Two minutes left with an 11 point lead, and this guy coughs the ball up on the 31. He tried to rationalize it with some "that's the way I play the game" nonsense, and Jauron even echoed his sentiment with "well that's the way he plays the game, and you wouldn't want him to change that." Dick should've been canned before he stepped away from the podium.
  4. Benching Flutie for Johnson made me hate Wade Phillips. This was compounded during the 2000 season, when Wade was asked about the playoff implications of our 7-6 Bills facing the 7-6 Colts on a Monday night in December. Wade stated that neither team was going to the playoffs, and he was half right: The Colts beat us 44-20 and won their last 2 games to grab a wildcard spot. When we parted ways with Flutie at the end of the season (after Johnson went 4-7 to Flutie's 4-1), I boycotted the Bills for the year. The only Bills game I watched in '01 was vs Flutie's Chargers, and it was the only time in my life that I ever rooted against Buffalo. Dick Jauron's contract extension being announced the day after Losman fumbled the game away against the Jets really got to me. I usually had a "we'll get them next year" outlook, but that time, I knew in December of '08 that the '09 season had already been flushed down the toilet. This was reaffirmed when Jauron decided to open the '09 season with the no huddle offense, with the obvious goal of going 3 & out as quickly as possible. Having Doug Marrone lose a power struggle to Doug Whaley was a tough one; I always said we lost the wrong Doug that day. Not that I was the biggest Marrone fan, but come on. One of them just coached his team to the AFC championship game, and the other will never be a GM again.
  5. If this Allen kid comes as advertised, I bet he injures 3!
  6. I wasn't talking about finding another way to get Allen; this was strictly about Chubb for White. Shut down CB is among the highest paying non-QB gigs, but so is pass rushing DE. There's not a CB today who can impact the game like a healthy JJ Watt. I'm not saying you'd be crazy not to trade White for Chubb, but it would be worthy of consideration. However... it's worth mentioning that in this fantasy scenario, the Broncos missing out on Chubb would lead them to trade the #5 pick to us (so we could get Allen) for #12, 22, & 53, causing us to miss out on Edmunds. In that light, it comes down to whether or not Chubb > White + Edmunds. I like our side better. Sammy who? I hated that pick and was thrilled that we ended up with a 2nd rounder for him. I can't believe the Chiefs paid him as much as they did.
  7. Not a crazy notion, especially for the pass rusher who many viewed as the best player in the draft. FWIW, PFF ranked Tre'Davious as the #2 CB in the league last year, but everyone's available for the right price.
  8. Btw, did Kyler's curly blonde haired friend remind anyone else of Eric Wood?
  9. Has Footloose taught the world nothing? They even did a remake of that awful film.
  10. If there's such a thing as ruining a QB by starting him too soon, Allen's rawness would seem to make him a prime candidate. Then again, he's used to having unblocked defenders harass him on every play, so there's that. As for the other guys, I don't consider it a given that McCarron starts over Peterman.
  11. Zay gets his best separation when he's running around butt naked. I kid! Would love to see him turn it around, but don't have the highest hopes.
  12. Not to mention Fleener was also Luck's TE for 3 years at Stanford. It appears that chemistry requires a certain level of talent.
  13. Just finished it myself. Definitely exceeded my expectations, which were actually pretty high. Gotta love Hawk.
  14. From the greatest campfire album of all time:
  15. He wasn't my first, second, or third choice for QB, but I've decided to leave those decisions up to the guys who get paid for it, completion % be damned. There's something to be said for the Bills getting the #1 guy on their list. This, of course, is not to be confused with the Cardinals, who merely lied about getting #1 guy on their list. And... I know, I know... watching youtube videos, particularly the Senior Bowl, has given me some added optimism. I'm in.
  16. Yeah, but that's the beauty of it. Personally, I can't believe Johnny Lawrence as a protagonist didn't happen sooner. The last two times we saw him, he was 1) congratulating Daniel as he handed him the trophy he won for kicking him in the face, and 2) getting beat up by his sensei in the parking lot after the tournament. Plus, Daniel did take his girl. Talk about a sympathetic character. It has me racking my brain for other sympathetic antagonists who deserve to have their stories told. The current frontrunner is the fat dude from Better Off Dead. When I saw Karate Kid as a kid, it was indisputable that Daniel was the good guy & Johnny was a big stupid poopiehead. Somewhere between my late teens and early 20s, my feelings started to change. I began to realize that Daniel didn't have to punch Bobby for slide tackling him at soccer practice, and he certainly didn't have to hose Johnny down when he was trying to roll a doob in the bathroom stall. It was then that I came to the following realization: Daniel was an antagonistic prick who brought many of those beatings upon himself. I love that the writers seem to have tapped into that.
  17. Did anyone watch episode 1? Spectacular.
  18. I always found it interesting that no matter how many times we were told that Russ was still involved in football decisions, so many denied that it was true.
  19. We have yet to see Allen take an NFL snap; how do we know if Palmer's any good? From Palmer's website: "NFL Draft prep has allowed me to train some of the top guys the past 3 years such as Blake Bortles, Keith Price, Sean Mannion and Christian Hackenberg." Not exactly a murderers' row of QBs.
  20. Here it is, in case it hasn't already been posted. Pretty impressive.
  21. Not caring what people think isn't necessarily the same as not respecting others' opinions. At least, that's not the way I intended it. I respect your opinion, but it doesn't bother me in the least if you don't like some QB that I like. If it did, that would be the greatest catastrophe known to mankind. (hyperbole)
  22. Actually, Beane straigh up said they aren't going to pursue Dez Bryant. He'll get his 1 year prove it deal, which will give him the chance to prove that he's not worth what he thinks he is. Bills GM Brandon Beane said the team won't pursue free agent Dez Bryant. Beane said the Bills watched Bryant "on tape" but won't pursue the free agent any further. "If we thought that was the right fit for us, we definitely would potentially pursue it," Beane continued. Bryant reportedly turned down a multi-year contract from the Ravens recently and continues to seek out a one-year, prove-it deal. The Cardinals and Packers have been linked to Bryant, though nothing concrete has materialized to this point. Source: Mike Rodak on Twitter Apr 28 - 7:52 PM
  23. Per Schefter (who tends to be pretty reliable in matters not concerning Doug Whaley), the Bills had a deal in place with the Broncos to give up both firsts and a second, which probably would've kept us from getting Edmunds. So, things could've been worse. Edit: Doug Marrone, not Doug Whaley
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