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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. Sorry - let’s keep San Marino and Andorra. And that puts Sweden 16th. Happy? Proves my argument even better. Thanks. you were saying they are 5th? mortality and infection higher than most every country? They are 16th. With NO MASKS and NO LOCKDOWN. Why do you feel the need to make up data to prove a point? PROVE IT!
  2. Yeah you say that but provide no data to back it up. Sweden DOES NOT have the 5th highest death rate in the world. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality Eliminate small country outliers and they are 14th. and they did this by making the error of not protecting their elderly... BUT they had no lockdown, no masks. Shouldn’t their infection and mortality have ‘exploded’ as you put it? It should be much higher than every other country that had lockdowns and masks, right amirite? cuz lockdowns and masks WORK, right? How about today? What’s happening RIGHT NOW in Sweden? No masks no lockdowns limited social distancing - VIRTUALLY NO DEATHS. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? Shouldn’t the virus be exploding with infection and mortality everywhere? yes I read the article. Everything may be this or may be that. I would argue that if you read the ‘dry tinder’ argument put forth by several researchers ... that’s a much better explanation as to why some places have excess deaths and others don’t. yes - you geezers are technically the dry tinder. this is just another ILI, one of 200 respiratory infections that we will have to deal with. Forever. 99.96% survival rate. Or, as some of you male Karen’s prefer - let’s just destroy the world to hide from it.
  3. Sweden? Hello...Sweden???
  4. They are geezers and so are you. Welcome to your golden years. Hide in your basement if you see fit. No one is stopping you. Don’t advocate the destruction of the world to protect your generation. Do you have a link to those numbers? I was under the impression that excess deaths were higher year over year. Maybe 10% but certainly not enough for us to DESTROY THE ENTIRE GLOBAL ECONOMY.... In addition, the pro lockdown pro mask pandemistas will tell you “imagine how bad it would have been had we not DESTROYED THE ENTIRE WORLD ECONOMY!!!” just wait for it. One word: Sweden.
  5. Who says they don’t have value? I treat older people like the elders they are. With respect. I don’t tell them what to do. They do what they want. My parents are in their 70s. Quite healthy. They are free to be as cautious or as flippant as they choose. I guess you must really value old people. Like soooo much? Enough that you don’t visit any of them? Or if you are one, do you wear a space suit when someone younger than you appears in your vaunted presence?
  6. Yeah. That’s a bad flu. By the end of it, IFR might turn out to be closer to 2X seasonal flu. So bloody what. Worth destroying the world Over? Sweden was right. Their deaths per 100k is less than Italy, Spain, UK, Belgium. All countries that have undergone extreme lockdown. Not to mention are seeing rising second spikes in deaths (Sweden is not). I guess from your virtue signalling you want to outlaw dying forever. How impoverished does the world have to get to protect our senior citizens? Why do you treat old people like children? Don’t you know they can make the decision for themselves how much risk they want to take? Why should healthy populations be locked down and forced to undergo rigorous psychological revaluations of lifestyle. To protect a bunch of geezers? Please. This has never been done before in history and it will not end well. thanks China!
  7. Disagree. All these reflected a ridiculously poor investigation and policy, bordering on a psyop meant to confuse and irritate. The very best way to have gone about it (in hindsight, though I was saying it from the beginning) would be Sweden plus protect the vulnerable. Which means no masks for virtually everyone, live as normal, reduce large gatherings... but none of this back and forth nonsense. That’s not science. Oh do this...oh don’t do this...oh change that. That’s just madness. I mean the Director of the CDC was on TV just last month saying that a paper mask could offer him more protection than a COVID vaccine. Then a few weeks later the CDC comes out and basically says masks are pretty useless for the wearers. “CDC guidance on masks has clearly stated that wearing a mask is intended to protect other people in case the mask wearer is infected. At no time has CDC guidance suggested that masks were intended to protect the wearers.” WHAT????? Though not the point of this study, 85% in this study who caught The Ro wore their masks always or nearly always. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6936a5-H.pdf It’s just a bad flu bro
  8. Incorrect. First they lied and said ‘no masks because they aren’t necessary’ then they said ‘no masks because hoarding’ then they said ‘masks because ‘asymptomatic transmission’’ (no direct transmission information) then they said ‘asymptomatic transmission was very rare’ then they said ‘we don’t know to what extent it asymptomatic transmission happens’. This is baaaaad science and even worse public policy ... all around.
  9. Right but you said that a 70 year old might fear it like Ebola. Well that’s an irrational fear. if you are 75 you are much more likely to die than a 18-29 year old from virtually anything, including the very fact that tomorrow is another day closer to your death.
  10. but this is not Ebola. Not even close.
  11. Wait - you just said they changed their positions on masks because they were lying about it to the public the first time. You know - to flatten the curve? As a scientist myself, I find that to be odd. not to mention the good handful of studies that show masks don’t do diddley dick.
  12. How many times can we run it up the middle? Will 1/20 work?
  13. You are being lied to. If you don’t know it yet, you are an utter moron. The MSM has been solidly anti Trump since 2015 when he ran as a Republican. Is this even news?
  14. Why do you support a racist? are you a racist?
  15. Bite your tongue young man. I got JJ in the 14th round of my fantasy draft. Steal!!!
  16. Watch Tyler Johnson, WR for BUCs. Rookie from Minnesota ... he was my favorite WR coming out of the draft. Pro ready. Haven’t watched him yet this year but should get more snaps. He was a stud in college.
  17. Joe Biden is a racist useless senile doddering moron who did not do a damn thing in half a century in government. Now his lifeless masked body is being dragged across the finish line by Marxists and the MSM. But yeah, go ahead and vote for him.
  18. On page 666 I just came to say Satan.....atanatan?
  19. Walking pneumonia. And several episodes of mental ######ation
  20. I know it will disappoint you if he were to pull through. We know this. Supreme Court confirmation next.
  21. Funny to watch Libs lying their arses off in this thread. They are positively giddy about Trump having covid. Also, watching them go back and forth over hoax/no hoax is brilliant. When he pulls through (and odds are high he will) will be hilarious to watch their heads positively explode.
  22. Yes all those people in NY and NJ and MA were listening to Trump. Sounds like a lot of Biden voters to me.
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