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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. To What minority group does Joe Biden belong? Oh right - Senile grifters...
  2. If we don’t beat em Sunday - no big deal - we’ll just beat em during the Super Bowl.
  3. I disagree on the grade (I’d give him a B). But today wasn’t about Josh. It was about the OLine coming together and our ground and pound was in full effect today. Double Josh’s throw attempts and he’s 22/36 for 300. He did fine but certainly not top student.
  4. What does Trump have to apologize for exactly? Did he arrest them? assault them? coerce them? prosecute them?
  5. As I said... Isn’t it ironic that you say a guy never admits when he’s wrong. then when proven that he has in fact admitted when he’s wrong... then you don’t apologize or admit that YOU were wrong. Libtards...
  6. Why should I? I’ll give you an example and it won’t be good enough for you. Like when he said he was wrong and apologized for getting caught on a hot mic for saying ‘grab em by the *****’. But then you’ll be like ‘ok that’s ONE TIME’. I know that game. Your TDS brain is too infected.
  7. You get your flu shot. You can Have mine, too. Flu shots are for suckers.
  8. You can search them up yourself. There are a handful of them to disprove the TDS sufferers out there who virtue signal about how Trump has never apologized or admitted any mistakes. Taiwan shut its borders to Wuhan before anyone in the world. And they They shut their island down completely in March. Because they hate and don’t trust China. Also - They are an island. And they hate China. Leftists derided Trump for creating travel restrictions from China. They attacked him, of course, because racism and ‘party of science’. What was Biden’s mumbling position?
  9. I’m on the Ed Oliver diet, too. I’m only 260lbs. plus I have titz
  10. Lie Moronic comparison
  11. Totally true. I swears. I posted it and didn’t proofread and came back to 3 pages of ‘YOU EEEEEEEDIOT!’
  12. God dammit. I meant OL, and specifically the OG. Of course it came out wrong. my mistake! Our OT are good!
  13. We need some help here. Pass pro is good but running lanes are few and far between. Who you want (and who’s available?) and at what price?
  14. Bass has an unbelievable keg of a leg. I mean you see the way his kicks blast the net when it goes through. It’s a serious boot. just gotta get it under control.
  15. Sweden is doing a better job than Spain and Italy. In fact there are 16 countries that have done worse than Sweden. With Sweden having No Masks, No Lockdown. Explain. If only they could hide in their basements all day like your heroes Harris/Biden campaign. That is a great way to avoid any virus. Hide all day.
  16. I’d like to see a W tomorrow.
  17. virtually no deaths since Mid August. Declining deaths since April. ‘headed towards lockdown’. LOL
  18. Headed towards lockdown. That means nothing. Everyone is ‘headed towards lockdown’ in the unscientific fantasies of Leftists. LOCKDOWNS DON’T WORK. It’s utterly amazing that you can’t read the stats. Here you go: https://lmgtfy.app/?q=sweden+covid+deaths Why do you keep saying ‘headed to a lockdown’. Is that some deranged fantasy you have? They just eased advisories on elderly populations. Is that a lockdown in your scientific authority???
  19. What are you talking about? Look at their numbers. Sweden had a bunch of deaths at the beginning because they didn’t protect their nursing homes. They had a bunch of deaths at the beginning because they had ‘dry tinder’ from a lower than average flu season the year before. Sweden has been averaging one or two deaths a day since August. Average age is 82. Case loads are where they were in June/July and they have about 80% less average deaths. NO MASKS NO LOCKDOWNS LIMITED SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOL
  20. Uh, yeah all those deaths happened like 6 months ago. Since Then, deaths have collapsed and since August, virtually no deaths. BuT HoW iS tHaT pOssIbLe WiFfoUT maskS?????
  21. Sure do. Virtually no deaths is what’s happening.
  22. Utterly ridiculous article. check out Sweden. No masks since the beginning. No lockdown. Limited social distancing. Hey look - Virtually no deaths. I guess the virus killed everyone in the country already.
  23. Nate be Chargers was not an F. It was a Z
  24. See ya on your next username.
  25. Thanks for your 3 month old data Are we clear now that Sweden is NOT 5th in mortality, specifically deaths per 100k? End this thing? We don’t even have confirmation on exactly how it started, how it works, how it spreads, how it mutates. It hasn’t been precisely isolated...the tests are inaccurate. Virus gonna virus. Sweden is the example for us all.
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