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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. You’re right. It was Trump who walked out of the virology lab in WuTang with COVID on his shoe. #orangemanviral
  2. Multivariate analysis is the reason why some countries do better than others. For the binary mind of the Anti-Trumpers, it’s only one variable - OrangeManBad.
  3. You should hide in your house. This will guarantee you don’t get this Chinese Plague. Cover your entire head with plastic wrap as well. Combined with not seeing anyone, ever, you are doing your part. Stop being so selfish. I will allow you, however, to continue posting nonsense from your basement.
  4. Lol. Prove it. Covid isn’t extremely deadly. Your narrative is what’s deadly.
  5. Play action play action play action. We should be using play action on 100% of all snaps. The act of faking the run for the 1/4 second advantage is enough for me to do it every time I drop back to pass. It’s a strength for JA. Use it until it isn’t.
  6. This is my favorite thread of the week!
  7. The catches by all our WR (Beasley on 3rd, Smoke fighting through pain, Diggs is such a Fn Stud) REALLY gives us so much to look forward to. Knöx has regressed and I hope he has it in him to become what we all hope. Running game leaves a lot to be desired. And that starts with the guys up front who, for some reason, just ace their pass protection
  8. Don’t we want a Ravens loss more?
  9. Anyone notice that our D line (specifically Hughes and I saw it last week against Russ Wilson) but instead of attacking the QB ... they STOP...and just try to contain them. the few times I noticed it ... it seems to work! Including just now on the ‘sack’ of Murray... But I guess they assume the QB is just too fast to run at them. Best to try and just contain.
  10. Thanks. I didn’t have the stats was just going by memory. Maybe you could throw our recent playoff game and thanksgiving game in there but we haven’t fared all that well at night. Here’s to that changing forever!!!
  11. Was that why her campaign paid for purposeful disinformation in the form of the Steele Dossier? She just loves her some democracy.
  12. Not sure our success in prime time the last few years but I don’t think it’s good.
  13. Fitz to TO 98yd! Also loved the Lynch Run at the end of this game. there was a run by TT34 that turned me into a Bills fan. It would have been around 1989 and I don’t think it went for a TD but he basically jukes 8 guys. I’ve never been able to find that run. I was hooked right from there.
  14. Go to work eat dinner Whack off furiously
  15. And these were charges based on collusion and conspiracy with Russia in the 2016 election. Not...
  16. Uhhhhhh no they didn’t.
  17. She’s half Caribbean half Indian. Does that mean she’s BLACK? Does that mean Biden isn’t racisssssss? What about all his derogatory comments about blacks, and what about his crime Bill and what about him holding hands with the Grand Wizard? I guess those all get a pass in your hypocritical eyes. Trump is the least racist POTUS - maybe ever. Only rubes like you judge people on the color of their skin.
  18. More data? more knowledge? LOLLLLL More like ‘Leftards circle jerking in record fashion’. There is no conspiracy as large as ‘Trump is a Russian agent’ as has been pushed by the morons of this sub forum over the last few years.
  19. By that rationale, you are a racist because you support Joe Biden who has said many hateful things. Why do you hate black people?
  20. I’m no expert on D strategy but it’s safe to assume that someone on our D will have to spy Wilson at all times. He’s so dangerous to take off at any time... who’s the guy that has that job? and how will he fare on Sunday ??
  21. This is correct. This is not a mandate for leftism no matter the result. Still appears to be lots of chicanery going on. Battleground state ballot dumps. The electoral process is diseased.
  22. Yes conservatives hate half Indian half Caribbean ball draining Leftists...in fact, California Libtards don’t like them much either.
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