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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. 90 minutes to plan....?
  2. He better. I was a 98% favorite to win my fantasy week but my opponent had Deshaun Watson and the Kc kicker who lit me up for 60+ pts. Now I need to see Trub post 15pts.
  3. Them or Them? I mean what the hell does that even mean??
  4. Does this annoy anyone but me? They have all the friendly nicknames of all the teams and when they show Bills vs Jets they say "Them or Them?" Is that a total diss at our pathetic franchises, or am I being far too sensitive for a hardened 30 year fan?
  5. Taylor has played well. No big mistakes. He's playing better than he should be - today we saw some extra wrinkles but he was without his top 2 receiving targets. Plus he had Vlad Ducasse on his line. Ducasse!! I love how so many of you plan for the SUper Bowl after wins - and plan to kill yourselves after a loss. It's pure comedy.
  6. TT is at his best when he's running. Seems we went away from that in the 2nd half. That last drive when TT was in a crumbling pocket and just couldn't get rid of the ball and he took a terrible sack (5th of the day????). He needs to be running there. Progressions....and run. He just seems to duck and hope for the best in a crumbling pocket. Ah well - rest up and get better boys.
  7. How about way worse. Like much worse. Like mind numbingly terrible and worse. Tyrod didn't have his best game today - everyone will pile on
  8. What difference does it make if his collar is blue or white or covered in dandruff? Maybe you should go be a Texans fanboy?
  9. I mean, weren't we supposed to be going 0-16? Less talent than last year? Trading away our best players? Stupid new coach and stupid new GM? What the hell are we doing? 3-1 in first place. It's called the reverse tank. The big difference is coaching. It's clear. Our team is CLEARLY on the same page as the coaching staff. And whatever McCoach is doing, I'm buying. Great win today. And as for Tyrod - give the kid his credit. He DOESNT MAKE BIG MISTAKES. Is he going to pass for 400 yards - no. Does anyone really still care about that? Very very very positive stuff. Monday is going to be a great day!
  10. Great. Why not do play action every time. That was when the offence was really moving. Rollouts. Whatever. He's best on the move and so is the offense. Does anyone care about 300 yards more than W's? TT is a consistent QB. He consistently never turns the ball over. Call him mentally incapable or whatever but it takes a lot of focus to remain that disciplined.
  11. I need and crave proper instruction!!!! Nice username! Cmon man!! Yeah pretty stupid. All good. I was with some buddies. I was there at 900?
  12. I got to the hammer lot and told the attendant "Stadium Wall??" Nothing. "Two Bills Drive". Nothing. I guess putting my user name on a sign didn't mean anything to him. Paid my $30 and went in. Sorry for that if it caused any consternation.
  13. There was a play on Sunday where tyrod opted for a shorter route (complete for first down) but O'Leary was WIDE OPEN for what would have been a 60 yard touchdown. Not sure if anyone else saw that.
  14. Why are you all changing the subject? I'm the victim here!!!!
  15. Maybe believe in your team and then you don't have to eat crow. And so proudly, I might add. To all of you nom-nom-noming your crow what you are basically saying: "I gave our team no credit and was 100% certain we would lose so I badmouth them on the forums so that if they DO lose, I look smart, but now I'm going to be conciliatory and lick my fingers and joke about all the different ways one can eat a bird." Drives me nuts.
  16. Well he obviously must be a racist...
  17. Stupid crow eating threads... Just say what you are - annoying non fans who write the last chapter of the book before anything else because your ego needs protecting. I bet my Broncos buddy $100 today Bills +3.5 I always think we can win on any given week. That's what I thought fans did.
  18. I have always known this...first time I took my son to the Ralph about 7 years ago (when he was 6), the jerks sitting behind me must have called the players on the field '!@#$s, monkeys, jungle bunnies' about 50 times in the second half. Last night I was on Chippewa waiting for my Uber around 11pm. Black guy in the passenger side pulls up next to me and screams 'ayyyy, ayyyyyyy!!!!' I look up 'I hate White People'. 'So? Who gives a ****?' I retort. He laughs. About 15 seconds later he says 'I was just kidding man'. Is this racial harmony in America?
  19. I'm going to be protesting $9 beers today at the Ralph! I will be kneeling at the section 311 concession stands at 12:59. Who's with me??
  20. Hahaha. Ok im a bit slow but I guess you can figure out why.
  21. Can I bring a broncos fan?
  22. Let's be honest. You didn't serve your country for those reasons. You did it for a lot of reasons but that wasn't one of them. America and her government has been killing and harassing its own citizens since, well, forever. This isn't new. No one defends unjust treatment by cops. The vast majority of them are good guys.
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