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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. Did you just imply that you wanted more man in you?
  2. Canton? Guy is a numbskull. Drugs, hothead, crap teammate, coming off an injury. Let someone else blow their cap.
  3. He can win games on his own? trade for him and get Rosen and we win a Super Bowl? is this place mad???
  4. So I’m in Miami staying at my folks condo with my kids... my brother came last week and had some issues with the car. So he took it to a mechanic who fixed the gear box shifter. I drove the car for 2 days - no problem. Then on on the way to the beach, I’m driving down Ocean Dr and all of the sudden, I’m stepping on the brake and the accelerator revs up. I’m pushing down on the brake AND THE CAR IS GOING FORWARD!!! i turn the car ignition off and back on. I step on the gas and it moves a bit but then step on the brakes and Zooooooom. I figure the first mechanic screwed up and or there is something new wrong with the car. I somehow am am able to pull into a driveway. I call a tow truck who takes me to a mechanic. Mechanic takes a look at the brake and accelerator and says ‘how nice of a tip will you give me?’ He pulls out a long screwdriver type instrument that the previous mechanic LEFT in the car and it somehow shimmied it’s way between the brake and gas (so that when I stepped on the brake it was pushing down the gas). Felt pretty stupid that I didn’t notice it (even the tow truck driver said he didn’t notice it!). Thank god it didn’t happen on the I95 with all the crazies here.
  5. There is no typical Brazilian. It’s the most heterogeneous population in the world. Brazilian passport used to be the most sought after on the Black Markets because virtually anyone could be considered Brazilian.
  6. Same same. Got married on June 21st...what we jokingly refer to as the LONGEST day of the year.
  7. Lamar is the darkhorse? Sounds racisss... ;P
  8. It didn’t?? I guess you were disappointed with making the playoffs. Beating 3rd string Steelers wouldn’t have been good enough either, I guess. With fans like these?
  9. I remember that time too. Not sure how anyone doesn’t think that making the playoffs wasn’t ‘worth it’.
  10. I’m pretty convinced that anyone who thinks it wasn’t ‘worth it’ to make the playoffs last year...is not a true Bills fan. It was the best first week of January in almost 20 years. What kind of loser didn’t enjoy that?
  11. One of my buddies, some time ago, brought over some drug called Salvia (sp?) one night. He is a tame guy ... non drinker ... smokes weed now and again. The drug was supposed to make you FREAK THE F OUT for a short time. Man did it ever. For about 2 minutes he was totally insane. I thought he was going to stick to the ceiling. And we laughed and laughed. And the guy has no mental health issues (serious ones anyway other than working in Hollywood). There are some drugs out there that can really screw with your mind. Weed, of course, doesn’t do this.
  12. Could occur - but never did. Jon crashed his car when drunk. But he can also crash his car when sober. Therefore, alcohol shouldn’t be blamed. Thats what you are saying.
  13. I’m sorry but you are talking in circles. You are saying that this might have happened without drugs. But it never has (so far as we know) for Zay... so Wouldn’t logic dictate that it was drugs that caused this? eventually, he may have had this episode without drugs but maybe not. So we are back to hypotheticals.
  14. They can believe what they want. The legalize side is winning.
  15. It’s a misconception that this was likely caused by drugs? Take away the drugs and this doesn’t happen. Whatever his disposition it was the drugs that was the lynchpin.
  16. I don’t see it. Why get an extra first this year to trade away next years first? Not sure I buy it. Either way - we have a lot of draft capital and I like this draft class a lot. So I’m conflicted. Id like Darnold or Rosen or Mayfield. I’d accept Jackson or Rudolph or Allen (without trading anything). But I don’t see any of them as light years ahead of Watson or Mahomes who we could have had last year standing still. I understand - that was last year. I think if we cannot move up to get one of the ‘big 3 or 4’ I’m happy to take BPA and improve our team.
  17. Weed isn’t being blamed here.
  18. That’s the least obvious thing it could be. Certainly a freak out on drugs is more likely.
  19. He’s definitely worth a late 2nd. Maybe a 3rd after the felony....
  20. Is it April Fools yet?
  21. Because this is TBD. While some posters are rational and normal, others hysterically faint on couches for every reason possible. Just like in the Real world.
  22. Yup. That is correct. We can probably get Allen or Lamar...but would we?
  23. 1 - Browns: Darnold 2 - Giants: Rosen 3 - Jets: Mayfield Discuss....
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