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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. And that’s my point. Many QBs need a few years. Most Bills fans will be crying at the first Ill advised pass or pick. Mans not just like ‘oh shucks’ but ‘GET HIM OUT OF HERE’. Its gonna be a long row to hoe for Bills fans with Allen. I think it will all depend on the QB coaching that comes with him.
  2. Simple. Mayfield and Darnold were simply not available. Even if they were his PLAN A or B. Couldn’t get them no matter what. And so I’m pretty sure Allen was their top choice. So they went and got him. And not Rosen. Not even. Giants were not trading the pick. This was already reported. But we do know we had zero shot at either Baker or Sam. Maybe. Will you give him more than 4 games to find out?
  3. I hope it works out for us...really do. But what I respect about our GM is that he went out there and GOT THE DAMN PLAYERS HE WANTED. Allen wasn’t my first choice and like most here I thought Rosen would be the better pick. Obviously Beane didn’t think the same. He could have taken Rosen. He saw something he didn’t like or saw something he preferred in Allen. His hand wasn’t forced. He got what he wanted. The cost? Meh...who knows what is going on behind the scenes and who’s trying to trade up for whom...I wish we had 53 56 and 65 but Beane went after the number one LB and QB on his boards. Respect. I was in favour of holding. It wouldn’t have worked out, likely. Maybe Allen would have been there at 12. Maybe not. I give props to Beane for going and getting the players he wanted. Looking forward to the QB competition and September can’t get here soon enough!
  4. Bills fans don’t have any patience for QB development. And while I’m somewhat indifferent about the selection of Allen - clearly he’s a good kid, prototypical size, rocket arm, loads of potential - my fear is that our fans will give him 8 games and then set his house on fire if he doesn’t look like the 2nd coming of Elway. How many Bills fans would have been ok with Goff starting year 2 - he would have been written off as a bust by 90% of us. So my question to you is - assuming JA starts 2018 - how long do you give Him? 6 games? 3 years? How long can you, as a fan, hold off from the bust or boom label for our potential franchise QB?
  5. He crushed it. Hes like Buscemi at the end of Reservoir Dogs. Take the loot and sneak out the front door.
  6. I would also blame the social media instagram vanity insanity culture as well which can foster this kind of hate. What are the chances that someone who identifies as an INCEL is also taking prescription meds?
  7. Yup. That’s why prostitution is the oldest profession.
  8. New term for me. Involuntary Celibates. Characterized the Toronto van killer. What the The Hell is going on here?? Should women be forced to !@#$ these men? Shouldnt these men step up their game? isnt that why hookers and Tinder and Grinder were created? Doubt it’s a new trend but it’s clearly a Sad state of affairs.
  9. More people in the Favre pic. Thats a bad sign for Baker. Clearly he can’t count and has no control over the huddle. Trouble with teammates. Few friends. Pass. #overreadingit
  10. Hilarious thread. Let the virtue signalling commence.
  11. I do agree that LVE, McG, Hurst, Evans would all be good picks if available. Seems pretty split here on the board...
  12. Let’s assume we have held our ground and the Bills select at 12, Quarterback, JoshBakerSamLamar RosenMayfieldDarnoldJackson. (Doesn’t matter who...) And C Rid is sitting there at 22. Consensus #1 WR in the draft. Do we take him? i know here are more variables at play here (who’s left...etc). Just putting out a name who none of us seem to be discussing.
  13. Meteorologist. Politician. CNBC personality President and Managing partner for the Buffalo Bills
  14. Tough one. I think both will struggle nightly with the transition. That being said - if Allen is truly physically gifted as they...and can put it all together...then great. He could be good. Rudolph has great physical traits and a better college resume. All that said I would take a shot with Allen (which means Rudolph will go to the HOF)
  15. We have reached pick 12. Only these 3 remain on our board. You must pick one. Who do you choose?
  16. Anyone defending Robosack has no loyalty to the saying ‘dance with the girl that brung you to the Ball’. (If that’s even a saying) Flutie earned the right to start the MCM game. And they brushed him aside like a day old diaper. I dont get it..
  17. Best case scenario. I would heartily approve. Even Price is a stud...though I would rather Evans or LVE as an LB at 22. Or the one just above where we give up a ton of picks for Darnold (but not our 2019 first). That’s my 2nd favorite scenario.
  18. I guess that leaves us at an impasse. Are you willing to give up all 5 top 100 picks and a first next year to move to #2?
  19. I’m positively opposed to giving away next years number 1.
  20. Let’s not forget who helped to lead this team to its first playoff game in 17 years. I won’t. His name was Tyrod. He had his moments. Without him - we would have been 0-16.
  21. Just remember - if the Pats jump up and take Lamar Jackson, he will be a star. If the Bills take him anywhere - he’s a bust.
  22. I predict that one of the top 4 guys falls to us at 12. If we hold the line, we will get one of them. Baker or Rosen..Allen more likely. If not - we will draft Lamar or Rudolph. The rest of our draft can be 1b - Rashaan Evans, ILB, Alabama 2a - Sony Michel, RB, Georgia 2b - Brian O’Neill, OT, Pitt 3a - James Washington, WR, Oklahoma 3b - Tim Settle, DT, Tech 4 - Deon Cain, WR, Clemson 5 - Jeff Holland, OLB, Auburn 6 - Perry Nickerson, CB, Tulane
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