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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. I could argue that it’s worse. Wrong And oxygen can also be toxic.
  2. Here come all the anti-weed activists and moralists.
  3. The two best defences in the league beat each other to bits. Was a great game. Why the hell was Josh holding the ball FOREVER??? Take off or throw the ball away. I think this annoyed the crap out of me more than anything today. Ah well, so we go 15-1.
  4. Father McDermott - bless me for I have sinned....
  5. Hate them with a passion. As good as Allen is on the run - let him scramble when he needs to. I don’t want to see him get beat up more than needed.
  6. I fly ALOT. Once or twice a month. Usually long distances over an ocean. I used to be petrified of flying when I was younger but it went away after I got married and my wife was even worse than I was. I had to be strong for her. Now I make jokes about my plane crashing. Turbulence excites me. I watch Mayday on my iPad during the flight. You have to have a huge ego to believe YOUR plane is going to crash. It’s totally irrational. The odds are astronomical. Like 1 in 10 million. Especially lower if you travel in North America. We all know it’s the safest way to travel. You just have to surrender control and that’s very difficult for some.
  7. Hahahahaha. Great thread.
  8. Me too. Just hold on to the ball!
  9. What do they look like?? i can’t see any pics
  10. Mike Jasper!!!
  11. One good thing that’s out of our control is all the AFC teams seem to be losing.
  12. That’s a plate full of speculation.
  13. I never thought there would be another highly touted football recruit named Raekwon...
  14. On the first Bills Possession (NYG 9/15)....... Allen starts with a 7 yard dink to Jon Brown. Gore runs for 2 yards. On 3rd and 1, play action to Gore... Allen bombs it deep to Smoke..... (not sure what happens next).... thats just what I saw today in my dreams.
  15. Used to have a great time with Wade and Ryan at the Hippo. Haven’t been in a few years.
  17. Other than my wifey - Absolutely not. Brutal. Huh?
  18. 14 catches? yeeebus....
  19. At a dinner party tonight. I am now WASTED. But was peppering a bunch of anti-Trumpers all night with the good things Trumpy has done. Even those of us who are well aware of his buffoonery and shenanigans can admit his positives. What are some of your favorites that you can list? My favorite that gets em going : ‘Trumpy REALLY loves America’.
  20. Never stalls for me when it’s on its way out.
  21. At least we didn’t punt well.
  22. Says David Sills V. A nice quote from a kid who may or may not make it on the team. Sounds like an excellent culture being built in Buffalo. And it needs it. Tough day of cuts ahead. Super pumped as to what’s coming. Let’s Go Buffalo!!!
  23. Check out 911 Tavern next time. You'll wait but the wings will blow your mind.
  24. Vikings are stacked at WR with two 1s (Diggs, Thielen) Browns (Odell, Landry) The Chargers, Rams, Raiders all have a rock solid 1-2. We are not stacked by any means. We don’t even have a 2, on paper anyways.
  25. My experience too. 3 brothers and none gave a crap about playing or watching sports. My Dad didnt care in the slightest, either. Found it on my own. I’d memorize baseball stats and plan my Sundays around watching Bills football. I would grab the newspaper and go straight to the sports section. My Dad would chide me and say ‘why don’t you read the news???’ I would reply ‘I’d rather read about man’s success and achievements than our failures and misery.’
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