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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. She is such a smoke show.
  2. No it isn’t. You are clutching your pearls. I say this as a Jew. context.
  3. Your 14 seconds of research into this subject is quite impressive. What kind of medical doctor are you? I assume a specialist of some kind? I’m confused regarding this bull#### disingenuous disinfectant story...and have a question : Why is the media paying so much attention to Trumps COVID press conference - when they told us not to pay attention to Trump’s COVID press conferences?
  4. If by hilarious you mean ridiculous - I agree. Epenesa is a 1st round talent. No question about it. We stole him. STOLE him. I like Dobbins too but whatever. There are still several RBs remaining that are very capable of eclipsing whatever Dobbins does this year.
  5. Yup. This shows that Beane and Co are listening to me...I think AJ will be an exceptional pro.
  6. Fine by me. Less time in bed mock drafting. Less questions from my wife about what the hell I'm doing.
  7. I gave up my seasons on the aisle this year. I only had em for a year but being in Canada with an unknown border crossing issue...I couldn’t pull the trigger. One thing I didn’t like about the aisle was having to get up 75 times a game to let people in and out. Rather be ‘stuck’ in the middle with my manly bladder....
  8. Not sure it’s been said but I hear Tua’s family is a giant pain In the ass.
  9. Canada, Ontario. Essential. not sure how many people and how far apart they are there but he’s in a cubicle
  10. Canada. Ontario HQ. Not sure what the rules are...do you HAVE to go to work? I mean I know you can take vacation unpaid or whatever just not sure what the rules are with respect to a boss saying you must come to the office - ESPECIALLY when your job can be done from home.
  11. Not sure how lockdown is determined? His company is considered Essential, for certain, but he can definitely work from home (and he did for 2 weeks or so, I believe).
  12. He’s late 60s. I would say not technically by that term but he does get sick often.
  13. COVID CONUNDRUM My best buddy is a sales guy. He can certainly work from home but his boss is insisting that he come to the office everyday. His boss doesn’t believe in the seriousness of the virus, etc. My buddy is not sure what to do. I told him to just take a month off unpaid - he can do so as he’s not financially in a dire position - but not sure that’s the right advice. Any thoughts??
  14. 60 mill in the US alone. I believe 700M worldwide infections
  15. Guys I’m sorry do you have a link about the British writer (I believe) who said there would be millions of deaths. then he caught the virus. and now retracted his statements. does anyone have a link to this story??? so much damn info...overload
  16. Chill out already. I love me some Josh. He is my boy. But who would you look to add as a 3rd stringer / someone to compete with Barkley?
  17. I like the first comment. I would still like to a see a senior citizen section of restaurants. Keep em away .... have you seen some of ‘em eat soup? kids (under the age of 6) should never be allowed in restaurants, either.
  18. Back In the day we used to have smoking sections in restaurants. Maybe now we will have a senior citizen section? Or a COVID+ section?
  19. My Dad might kill Himself if he has to spend one more day in isolation with my Mom. Not being allowed to go to the office is killing him.
  20. Fantastic news for the climatards. to make the Venice swamp clear, all you had to do was destroy the city!
  21. Obama would have danced on Ellen and stopped that virus in its tracks.
  22. Either you want to be part of the process ... or you don’t. I, for one, don’t give a crap about something BIG & SOON. I’m interested in GREAT & IF IT MAKES SENSE.
  23. I hate to brand an entire college but Clemson first round picks to Buffalo .... haven’t worked out well. Jerry Butler was ok / but that was 40 years ago.
  24. I just returned from a trade show on Thursday night late. they cancelled the final day of the show. my company still has no COVID policy. I went to work on Friday still. I can totally work from home but with no corporate policy in place that would mean vacation days (I have been coughing for months - probably caught COVID on some of my previous travels).
  25. He’d be a great pickup.
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