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Everything posted by Bakin

  1. WRONG Basically everything is wrong except this is statistically incorrect. Many other countries with higher deaths per 100k
  2. Imagine that people like this are allowed to vote! Because he CANT force states to close their borders. all Trumpy has to was suggest it and he was deemed a fascist. See!!! He is an authoritarian! cant win for losing with Dems. all they do is cry. there is a reason why 80% of all covid deaths are coming from blue run states. Poor leadership.
  3. Every year it’s been acceptable. heart disease, cancer, pneumonia and flu, car accidents and suicides. That’s covid times 10 right there. Did you ever think to wear a diaper on your face and hide in your basement in 2019?
  4. Remember when Trumpy said to NY and NJ and Conn early on (can’t remember the exact date) that they should close their borders and the governors of those states freaking out saying “you can’t do that... it’s fascism ....this is America ...states rights ...we will sue etc!!” remember? Keep saying ‘November 2019’ and you lose whatever miniscule shred of credibility you have.
  5. Trump should have shut the Wuhan Institute of Virology down in 2015. Stupid narcissistic Orangeman was too busy on his campaign. /sarc
  6. Does that include the Ohio Governor 4 times? MASS is considered GOP? They have voted Dem 8 consecutive Federal elections. Sure they have a Pub Gov now...but
  7. Great President or GREATEST President? 41 out of 44. It’s statistically improbable but somehow the Dims did it.
  8. Is it no surprise that 41 of the top 44 districts of covid death are run by Libs? Libs don’t care about their citizens. America is a Federalist system. The Feds provided vents, PPE, and shut down air travel - and did a great job. The state governors and the specific districts are who really blew it. No surprise - almost all are Democrats.
  9. Lying. How do you think Trumpy and team dealt with 2018-19 Ebola. With the pandemic response team. Did a great job, too. no one is saying Trump has done an incredible job with COVID. He’s doing a better job that Hiden would have ... no question. Not even close. The Chinese would be rolling up Penn Ave now in their tanks if Clinton were POTUS.
  10. LOL. Biden didn’t even want to close the border to China in February. Because racism. November 2019 intelligence? Hahahahahaha. Wtf are you talking about? Late December was when it was confirmed the virus was novel. I assume you think China has done a terrific job here seeding the world with this disease. You probably place no blame on them, right? Biden had no clue what was going on...and still doesn’t. Have you heard him speak? Oh right...his handlers will barely let him. When he does - gaff machine.
  11. Is eating wings considered high risk? what with all the finger licking and face touching? ordering ranch is high risk, for sure...
  12. The high was mid April. I believe 2500 deaths per day. down down down from the peak. little pop now but that’s what happens when you reopen I guess thanks China!
  13. This is untrue. Things have gotten better. But only if you stop watching the damn news which is trying to tell you this is a Black Plague and orange man is bad. Deaths have been declining at a good clip. Sure they are popping a bit now but that’s what happens when you reopen. Cases mean nothing. Especially when the tests are pure garbage. We never should have closed down. Curve flattening was BS. lockdowns of healthy populations don’t work. Never have. Our scientists unfortunately know little. Our policy makers less... and no one is pointing their fingers where it needs to be pointed - directly in the face of the ***** Chinese. Seemingly everyone has forgotten about that.
  14. Florida is fine. The majority of ICU beds are not used up by COVID patients. But that blows your Sorry narrative up completely. R-0 headed below 1.
  15. Remember when Fauci laughed at how it wasn’t a big deal? Mask? Don’t be silly. Human to Human transmission? LOL he did. avoid air travel? Take that flight, he said. and this is the ‘premiere’ infectious disease scientist In the country. couldn’t have been more wrong.
  16. Damn. How is your headache this morning?
  17. No one ... and I mean NO ONE... should defend or give alternate explanations for how the cop should have handled this. If Brooks had any respect for authority, he’d still be alive. the DA is out of his mind and clearly in deep ***** for his own crimes. He is bloviating and his case will collapse like a burned down Wendy’s. My guess is Choivin will get off. Floyd couldn’t breathe before he went to the ground. The cop kept him face down to avoid being poisoned by Floyd’s fentanyl overdose. autopsy showed no injuries to Floyd neck or throat. id give it Better than 50/50 odds he gets off.
  18. And what if he holed up in his house with a gun waiting for the cops to show up? Maybe he booby traps it a la Speed? or he skips to Mexico!! or he gets gender reassignment surgery and becomes Rashida!! this is too dumb an argument to even have...isn’t it?
  19. Let him go???? WTF That anyone would defend the Wendy’s drunk and blame the cops is a testament on how out to lunch our society has become.
  20. questions: What makes you think they don’t? Are you asking if they matter to non-blacks? do you think they matter to blacks?
  21. Oh I’m totally racist. I hate all races equally, though.
  22. Let’s start with you answering that question. edit. Ok just saw your answer. Congrats. 19 years married next week! Married since 23!
  23. What is the big deal? i don’t understand. private text ... joke about White people. who cares other than the mudslingers
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